by bay64me 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bay64me

    I know of a lady that started to study with her husband and to keep the story fairly brief, i shall omit smaller details although they are not unimportant. As the study progressed, at different rates (the Mrs was more taken in than the Mr.) So they were split up, ie. 2 studies were then underway,(more hours to report!) This is where the great divide started. Mrs continued to progress, Mr not as much. Mr became resentful and angry as he saw his wife being taken away from him. Mrs got the advice to keep close to jehovah and pray for him. Convinced that this was the 'truth' the advice was heeded. Mr however felt he had to pretend and go along with it(he didnt want to lose his wife and the guilt that is piled on someone whilst studying is enormous!
    Mr's unvented emotions got the better of him and all that supressed anger turned to rage! He started to get violent with Mrs. The police were called on a number of occasions as there were children involved too. Mrs, still convinced that this really was the truth,(after all she was now suffering persecution and THAT was REAL evidence! Here started months of unqualified counselling from study conductors which happened to be an elder and his wife.Mr got all the usual counsel pertaining to marriage and treating his wife like a precious vase, (the weaker vessel etc) Her advice however was shocking! She was told that she could not progress in the truth if she involved the authorities again, in other words, dont involve the police or you can't go out on the work! And a load of garbage about bringing reproach on jehovahs name and organisation! Sad to say the crap advice was heeded. But this did not stop the violence against her or her children. This lady was now the recipient of verbal, mental and physical abuse. The truth so far had turned him into a monster and her into a doormat and all the time confirming the message to her that she was suffering for the sake of righteousness. The house they lived in had holes in most of the doors and walls where Mr either punched them or threw his wife against them. Mrs covered them up with bible verses written on paper! At this point the study was continuing on a weekly basis, the children had their own study on another night, Elder Spoutcrap came on yet another night to counsel Mr, they were also attending the meetings three times a week!
    Mrs kept it all inside, like the family book told her to, as did Elder Spoutcraps wife. Just pause for a moment to consider this.....This previously, reasonably happy couple were by this time totally divided, he and his life was out of control and she was totally brainwashed into thinking that if she could do more to serve jehovah, all would be well...and this is how it continued, the violence peaking when Mr hit his wife so hard that she was rendered be continued............

  • Joyzabel

    "Elder Spoutcraps" *giggles* good one

    <waiting for the rest of the story>

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Bizarre but fascinating.... How many home Bible studies and countable field service hours did the dubbies milk out of this unfortunate family?

  • Undecided

    You know the scripture, Matt 10:34."Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword." He was referring to the family. It's strange he didn't mention husband against wife??? He only mentions children against parents, and in-laws.

    Ken P.

  • crawdad2

    you forgot to mention that mrs is now emotionally bankrupt, and bro elder, who is comforting her every day, while they are alone, out in service, is closer to her than her own husband....... she need's love and affection, and bro elder is there for her..... it's not adultry, they are just comforting one another...

  • TR

    OMG, I hope the misses made it! Those fuckin' 'hovahs. Just had to go and detroy a family. Of course, there's rarely an excuse when a man should hit a woman.

    This is really sad, and hits close to home. Only I became the 'hovah and the wife didn't. This very shaky marriage went on for another 11 years until I wised up and left the lie(troof).


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division


    Oh boy, this brings back terrific rage and the fact that someday, being the dog that I am, I WILL HAVE MY DAY WITH THESE BASTARDS! I had a pretty good thing going...20+ year marriage...2 great kids...successful business. However, my Ex was the strong, spiritual one, the one who wrote out the check every month, the one who volunteered for impromptu talks, lots of service time, etc. She was also the controlling figure in the family, controlling the purse strings too and the PO and his boys knew when it came time that we had problems and "I" asked them to intervene...they took her side. They advised her when I was not around...they told her to separate from me, even though I was not guilty of any of the three violations in the Fam.Crap know the three that gives the spouse a right to kick your ass out. I was at all the meetings...I supported the Org for over 40 years...I supported my full-time pioneer daughter...I was successfull, not a deadbeat. They got there fair share of contributions..and I certainly was not a physical/mental/spiritual abuser in any way..she wasthe spiritual one &the check guess what? They told her to separate until I got my act see I had been 2nd generation affiliated and had still not made the "truth my own" baptisim..even though I was more active and supportive than the average Dub. Cut 2 the chase, they screwed my marriage of 20+ years,my daughter is still a 18 year old son has been living a double life, not handling the divorce well and has moved to a large goody-goody Ex got DF'd for screwing around and is trying to get back in and I have spent thousands of $$ on therapy. I truly hate the Bastards and I will get even with them someday. I realize not all Dubs are bad but one particular PO is going to get his day of reckoning. I'm sorry, what was the topic? Oh yeah, so much of what you said Bay64me is what I experienced. I even thought about trying to sue them for "alienation of affection" at one time...but I'd rather put my hands around some of the throats that were involved. Al the while they were advising my Ex..they were telling me to "not go down to Egypt." Ever hear of that? It was a new term for me at that time but very obvious what they meant...don't go to the courts.

  • LDH
    there's *rarely* an excuse when a man should hit a woman.

    Or, some would say NEVER.

    Great thread title, dude.


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