Hell's Kitchen Summons Apostacooks. recipes please

by Valis 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Well its just about time to begin my summer caning....uh sorry wrong thread...I mean canning...heheh last time I did peaches with habanero peppers, butter pickles, and spicy dill w/red bell peppers. I was hoping some of you folks might can as well and would have some new ideas for me. Would really like ideas from all the lovely worldwide Apostacooks . I'm sure some EuroApostasister out there has experience pickling the crude yet impressive English cucumber...heheh couldn't resist....Love and blessings from Chef Valis of the "likes to get steamy"class.


    District Overbeer

  • Celia

    Can't help you Valis, I do not can.
    I make jellies and jams though.
    One of my favorites is quince jelly .

  • scootergirl

    OHHHHHHHH.......I LOVE to can! In fact, I have been planning for the event for months now! I can everything from jams to jellies, to soups and veggies. This year I am going to try a new recipe that is called drunken apples (a lot like apple pie filling but with liquor in it).

    I have tons and tons of recipe books. Are you looking for something spicey? sweet?


  • SpiceItUp

    "drunken apples", now that sounds yummy. Maybe I just like the name. Please forward that recipe if its as yummy as I imagine it to be.

  • Valis

    scoot..the apples sound good... I'm looking for some new recipes that are both, so maybe pic some of your faves and post them here or email them to me if you wouldn't mind...

    Celia, I'll gladly take any recipes you could give me as well...I haven't made either jellies or jams..something new indeed.


    District Overbeer

  • scootergirl

    Another fantastic thing to do is pickle green beans. Great for Bloody Mary's!

    Anyone intersted in the Drunkin Apples recipe email me and I will forward it to you. It is the recipe from the Famous Daves Restuarant (for those of us lucky enough to have them by us).


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