An eager Sister Pioneer approaches the BOE with her plan...

by LogCon 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • LogCon

    Sister Pioneer, always thinking of how to expose false religion and promote true worship, finds out that many Mormons are becoming disillusioned with the Mormon faith because of the revelations being exposed on the Internet. If it is exposing the Mormons, it would help to expose other false religions.She puts two and two together and comes up with a plan.

    After the next meeting she asks the BOE to meet with her at the back room.

    With all in attendance Brother Jorgenson speaks first...

    Brother Jorgenson: ' Sister Pioneer, this is most unusual but we know you are excited about something. Tell us what is on your mind. I hope nothing is wrong'.

    Sister Pioneer: ' Oh no, Brother Jorgenson. Exactly the opposite. I found out something very interesting this week, from one of my return visits. You know Mabel Dickson, over on Elm St. You remember I took you with me several weeks ago and we had a good discussion on the history of Mormonism. Well, you will remember, she just could not believe many of the things you were telling her. But since then, guess what happened'.

    Brother Adams: ' Tell us Sister Pioneer. You seem so excited'.

    Sister Pioneer: ' Oh, I am. I am. Well, Mrs. Dickson WENT ONTO THE INTERNET and started researching the history of the Mormons. She was absolutely shocked. So, I thought to myself, if researching on the Internet has helped her to see the falsehood of the Mormons, why don't we encourage everyone to go onto the Internet and check out the history of their religion. Any false religion simply will not look very good. Then, when we call on them, they will be much more ready to talk to us. So I am telling all the Brothers and Sisters in the hall to tell everyone they see to research the history of their religion on the Internet. Brother Rutherford would probably say, 'RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH' your religion on the Internet. Isn't that a good idea. I knew you would be excited about it. Right?'

    Brother Jorgenson: _______________?

    What would Brother Jorgensons' response be?

  • kairos

    His response would be a little twitch of the lip or eyelid.

    He might say "come again"? or "Pardon me"? if he has the strength...

  • OnTheWayOut

    We don't want to run ahead of the slave. There are probably good reasons why Jehovah has not directed them to instruct us to take people to internet sites. One that comes to mind is that many lies are believed on the internet and if we were to encourage people to certain sites to learn about their religion and the information turned out to be lies, we would lose credibility.


    You don't have a penis. Any ideas you have, submit them to your husband, father, service group overseer. If someone with a penis likes your idea and submits it to the organization, we will steal credit for it and consider it.

  • 3rdgen

    If bro J is under 70 he does not have a clue about the history of his religion.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I suspect that 90% of jws would fail to see the hypocrisy of encouraging people to research the history of their religion while forbidding such research of their own religion. This is no more hypocritical than going do door to door handing out literature while forbidding the reading of any literature that someone might give to you.

    So in summary, brother j would say "great idea!"

  • Oubliette

    Brother Jorgenson: "That's great for everyone else, but we have "the Truth" so we don't need to do that!"

  • DesirousOfChange

    What would Brother Jorgensons' response be?

    And that is why we have the Proclaimer's Book and the Watchtower Library CD.


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    DOC, OntheWayOut, Oubliette: Exactly! I think you all have heard the mantra many times. So have I...

    It is all so familiar, as it is repeated over and over, so often, that it is writtten in their brains.... No thinking needed, just repeat.

  • stuckinarut2

    They would actively condemn and mock the Mormons...but would not ever apply the same principles to jws.

  • scoobydont

    Sister Pioneer is now 'marked' in the congregation...too much of a risk to the organisation ! This time, she called the meeting. Next time, it would be the judicial committee calling her to a meeting. Poor sod !

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