Relief Work: Alberta Flooding

by StephaneLaliberte 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StephaneLaliberte


    Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to use portion of the contributions given to the World Wide Work funds for Relief work. Unfortunately, as shown by the “Alberta Flooding” video, they seem to have a greater interest in reporting (or advertising) it than they are in actually releasing funds for such work.


    Jehovah’s Witnesses generally have a sense of security that comes with belonging to an international spiritual family. From time to time, they receive reports on how brothers and sisters in distress have received timely assistance and have been blessed by Jehovah himself through his people. In most cases, they are also convinced that such help would not be possible without Jehovah’s organization and the guidance of his holy spirit.

    This concept of an international brotherhood - helping each other - is also used when requesting funds to be assigned to the World Wide Work. Witnesses will explain that most of these funds are used for the preaching work while a smaller portion is used for the relief work. It is with this understanding that many brothers and sisters give greater contributions, some even signing the Watchtower as the sole beneficiary of their heritage! (Rom 15:26).

    Driving home this idea is this quote from the Watchtower 2002, November 1st , p. 29.

    Finding the necessary funds to finance our growing printing activities, relief efforts, and numerous other services performed around the globe may at times seem overwhelming. Recall, however, that the task of repairing the huge wall of Jerusalem also seemed overwhelming. (Nehemiah 4:10)

    The box “Ways in Which Some Choose to Give” shows several ways in which the Kingdom work can be supported financially. During the past year, many among God’s people have given such support, and the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses would like to use this opportunity to express their deep gratitude to all whose heart impelled them to share in this voluntary giving.

    Through the years, as contributions have been made generously, the Watchtower has reported on how they have provided relief work. And recently, a sub section of the is now entitled “Relief Work”! Though some of the work reported is truly remarkable and could bring you to tears, we are provided with vague information leaving us to make educated guesses as to exactly what amount was provided by the Watchtower for these particular disaster events.


    For instance, we may review one of the videos: “Alberta Flooding”.

    The video is also available through the “About Us” section of their web site at

    This video reports on the relief work that Jehovah’s Witnesses have done in Calgary, Alberta (Canada) in June 2013. At first glance, we see that Jehovah’s Witnesses swiftly responded to a natural disaster and provided assistance to those in need. That being said, let’s review the actual help provided:

    When the flood occurred, the Witnesses called each other to make sure everyone was safe. The following morning, they went to their local Kingdom Hall and coordinated the relief work to be provided; essentially, cleanup after sinister. In the meantime, local brothers and sisters gave away food, clothes and basic supplies. The video does not provide information on the number of houses cleaned, nor the actual period of time allocated to such work. Hence, we are left with making an educated guess. From the footage provided, it appears that three or perhaps four houses, belonging to other witnesses, were cleaned in one day. As explained by Brother David Jensen (at the end of the video), most of the help after this was emotional and spiritual support: “Some of them continued to get assistance from the brothers on the shepherding side and encouragement that way, spiritually.”


    With the above in mind, we may ask: How much of the World Wide Work funds were allocated to this operation?

    In order to answer this question, we must acknowledge the great amount of work that have been done by the local Witnesses (and those of the surrounding congregations). They have provided food, clothes, and basic supplies. The relief work was carried out by 120 volunteers. We may also safely assume that most, if not all, the equipment used was local as a great number of brothers work in the construction industry and are affiliated to the Regional Building Committee (RBC). In additional, most of the coordinating work was obviously carried out by local Elders and ministerial servants.
    With the above in mind, we are left with the following actual expenses: Brothers from bethel who have kept an eye on the situation fora few days. We also have the expenses possibly incurred for equipment that were not locally provided for. Hence, you may guess for yourself how much funds from the World Wide Work were actually used to help with this crisis.

    Yet, before reaching a conclusion, you must also consider the efforts involved in producing this highly professional video that reported this event. As the Watchtower society produces its own media contents, the cost of producing this video is fully funded by the World Wide Work funds. Special filming equipment, skilled camera man, professional film editors and their respective equipment are part of the production cost. Then, there are also the bethel members assigned to monitor the content of the video and request adhoc changes. And impressively enough is how the video has been translated in 30 languages! Such strenuous work can easily be demonstrated by the fact that such videos generally take weeks, even months before reaching their final cuts. And finally, the distribution of such video also has its own price!


    In the end, we could safely assess that a greater amount of money received from the World Wide Work funds were allocated to reporting the relief efforts rather than being spent in providing it. And so we must wonder why? If such funds were readily used to assist brothers in needs, then why give so much attention to such small scale disaster relief response? For instance, other organizations such as ARES, Red Cross, Mennonites, Salvation Army, and the St-John Ambulance all offered their services to the thousands of victims of the flood mentioned in the beginning of the video (0:40). In contrast, local Jehovah’s Witnesses assisted a few of their own and their Organization took most of the credit while spending considerable resources to brag about it. One must wonder where exactly this really fits with Jesus teachings (Matthew 5:46-47; 6:1-4).

  • hoser

    I can almost 100% guarantee that any homeowner insurance policy payouts were signed over to the watchtower society. The watchtower made a lot of money off this disaster.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Hoser, do we have any actual proof that witnesses have signed over their insurance policy to the Watchtower for work performed by local volonteers?

  • jimbojones

    A good friend lives there so I kept up with this event quite closely. Most of the relief was done by local witnesses. I don't believe WT sent any special relief crews or equipment. This affected more than just a few witnesses rather than what the OP states. Entire towns were flooded.

    What was remarkable was the entire city and region pitched in, jw or not. It didn't matter who was getting reimbursed. A good chunk of the downtown was flooded and was up and running within a few weeks, accomplished by construction companies and citizens volunteering their time and resources. As for the jws, it seemed that everything was volunteered and provided for on a local level. The www fund was not needed.

    Not sure what the OP was intending to prove with this thread.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    JimboJones, you have just confirmed what I have said above: The Watchtower encourages people to give financial contribution to their organization stating that they will use some of these funds for Relief work. Then, go on to produce a highly professional videos to advertise the relief work that was carried out at a local level. If they made it an habit of releasing actual funds for the relief work, then why would they have the urge to produce such a video for an event where they obviously did not assist financially?

    My point is that the Organization does much less then what seems to be conveyed by the montage, words and music of the videos produced.

    All those who actually did the work are without doubt good people and such actions are to be praised. My problem resides in how the Organization takes most of the credit by stating that without organizing this effort under Jehovah's spirit, the volunteers and equipment they used could not have been coordinated in such little time and have achieved the results they have.

    Sentences like this let the viewer believe that the equipment was provided by the bethel, that trained experts were funded by the organization and that other organizations taking actions without Jehovah's spirit did not, or could not have come close to a similar result.

    What about the sentence displayed at 1:14 :

    "Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada provided both physical relief and spiritual comfort to victims of the disaster"?

    With such a sentence, how could the view come to the conclusion that most of the help was essentially provided by the local community of brothers and sisters?

    Such video is truly misleading as an individual could easily be pushed to give away his inheritance to a charitable Organization that, in reality, does not use its funds at it leads people to believe.

  • JWdaughter
    Most JWs would not care. They are not called on to help people in this world but to preach to them about the NEW world. So, they dismiss earthly relief works as a temporary vanity in any case (unless their town is flooded. JWs are mostlly good folks at heart and will do what they can individually to help others, especially if it is a JW, and not expect that the org will hire any bulldozers or bring in tanks of fresh water)
  • smiddy

    The jehova`s  witness mentality :

    "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"

    Why would they give help, assistance, financial  or otherwise to prop up satans system of things ?

    Therefore they only help { if you can call it that }, their own ,or an interested person , or some potential witness, nobody else.


  • berrygerry

    I don't believe WT sent any special relief crews or equipment.

    There were crews that were sent to High River, an affected town south of Calgary.

    I would be very curious as to the arrangement of reimbursement via insurance or the government.

  • jerryjax99
  • berrygerry

    Did the end come, and I missed it?

    The end is coming near but people remain arrogrant?

    Rambling post, including "My family and ancestors predicted and books tell me that Canada will flood. U.S.A will also submerged with water. "

    But then, we have someone counting time:

    " you know. Your right, we are nearing the end. You need a Bible study. Next time one of Jehovah's witnesses comes to your door, talk to them or go to jw.borg and request a visit.
    Source(s): jw.borg"


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