The Timing Of Dateline

by larc 3 Replies latest social current

  • larc

    We have been frustrated because of the long delay in the airing of Dateline, and we all wanted it sooner than later. As it turned out, I think that this is the very best time that the program could have appeared.

    Here is why I say this. The recent issue with the Catholic Church brought this issue to public awareness. The general public is now more interested in learning about this subject. Public consciousness is running high, and the public wants change.

    Also, the recent AP news releases about the pressure put on the contributors to the program makes the program more visible. Most people who read about this in the newspaper, probably had no idea. Now they do.

    Another factor is Bill Bowen's candle light vigil and its media coverage. That further magnified this important issue.

    The convergence of all of this, will indeed, have an impact.

    So, many things that we could not have predicted, have come together in a very powerful way, to really make a difference.

  • PopeOfEruke

    The Lord works in mysterious ways...


  • crawdad2

    i'm glad it was put behind the catholic scam too!
    it's sorta like giving it an "introduction".

    i wouldn't expect jws to react much though.....
    they are conditioned to blindly believe what the gov body tell them about it.(really)

    the general public will love it though!!!.......kiss all your bible studys goodbye, jws!!!!

  • somebody

    hi larc,

    I agree that it couldn't be aired at a better time. It's being aired at the same time as is that it's a problem in the Catholic religion too. Therefore, I can't see the wbts using that as way to rake in new followers, as they normally would. At least I don't think they will now. If it didn't air now, then in the near future, I was believing that I'd soon be reading something like this...

    This is a quote I read in a watchtower, pertaining to a victim of incest who later became promiscuous, which is normal behavior for most victims of sexual abuse....

    In desperation, she tried to commit suicide, but during this crucial period something happened that changed her life. She began attending meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses and accepted the advice to read the Bible daily. This gave her strength to overcome immoral practices. "I feel so much better now," she says.
    That was printed in 1986, when the wbts KNEW it was happening in their churches too.

    I figured the wbts would use the pedophiles in the preisthood to lure in new members by saying that it's safe if people become JWs because "that doesn't happen in God's clean organization". The timing of the airing will prevent them from doing that, I hope and pray anyway.


    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while."~ Golden Age Feb 10 1926 31

    Group air bath,anyone?

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