'Search' function doesn't show thread dates in results

by yadda yadda 2 4 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Simon, if you use the Search function for a topic or word, you cannot separate out the latest threads on a particular subject from the oldest.

    If I wanted to read the latest threads and discussion on the subject of, say, 'generation' I get a huge list of threads with that word in the heading or contents but I cannot tell how old each thread is unless I actually open up the thread. I don't want to be reading threads that are 5 or 10 years old on a subject like that.

    Can the date of the threads be shown in Search results please. Also, can a function be added to order results chronologically, from newest to oldest. How do I know whether the latest big discussion on the forum can be found in the first few pages of Search results? There is no clear logic or criterion apparent in how search results are ordered? Is it based on the number of posts or hits?

  • Raton

    A sort by feature would be awesome. I know nothing about how websites are set up though so not sure of how difficult something like that may be. Still an awesome site without it.

  • kaleem

    If I wanted to read the latest threads and discussion on the subject of, say, 'generation' I get a huge list of threads with that word in the heading or contents but I cannot tell how old each thread is unless I actually open up the thread. I don't want to be reading threads that are 5 or 10 years old on a subject like that.


  • Oubliette

    Great suggestion. I sort by date function would be awesome!!!

  • Simon

    You can try the regular google search and limit results to this site ... just add "site:www.jehovahs-witness.net" to the box with your terms, e.g.

    site:www.jehovahs-witness.net generation

    You can then use the advanced search tools to apply some filtering.

    In the meantime, I have done some work on an improved native search and will look at adding more filtering options to it as well.

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