Critique of new JW DVD: “These Words Must be on Your Heart.”

by WingCommander 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I’m really channeling my inner “Blondie” with my observation and critiques of these new WatchTower video’s. Something about them really turns my stomach. I think it’s bold, underlying cult insult to my intelligence and upbringing. So as I did with the now infamous “Atlanta: The time of your life!” video, here are my observations of the newest convention DVD release entitled, “These Words….Must be on Your Heart.”

    1.) Intro…..look closely, Thomas is wearing a $7000.00 USD Rolex Submariner watch. I don't think that's a realistic depiction of what a normal JW would be wearing, unless he OWNED the company he worked at. And no, I don't believe it to be the cheap Invicta brand, but a real Rolex.

    2.) 1:54 - Jobs are described as an unnecessary distraction from family and religion. Hey WatchTower, not everyone can live in a tent or in opulence like you guys in the ivory towers!

    3.) 2:18 - Daughter Rebecca got "caught up" in school activities and with "non-Witness students". Satan at work! She could be selling her fine ass on the street, but instead she's trying to make something of herself other than being Susie Homemaker and Pioneering. The negativity of this video 2 minutes in is incredible. Really Cultish with Us vs Them mentality as well.

    4.) 3:00 - The only thing missing from this portion was Miley Cyrus smoking a joint and doing a lap dance on this brother's face!

    5.) 3:13 - Get a load of this kitchen! Has to cost at least $50,000.00 USD. Since when do normal JW's live in this kind of home? I am STUNNED.

    6.) 3:55 - I'm the father; respect my A-thor-i-tay!

    7.) 4:25 - I like this kid, his expression and reaction was much the same as me growing up. I hated this mind-numbingly boring shit, and would have wished my parents did something fun with me instead of this crap. Who can blame us? Typical bible-thumping tyrant father using the bible to bash over the kids heads in a vain attempt at guilt.

    8.) 5:33 - Mother says, "These teenagers are out of control." Wow, seriously? They look normal and healthy to me. WTF planet are these people on?

    9.) 8:55 - Working on your car in meeting clothes with Elder? Give me a break!

    10.) 9:28 - Look behind Thomas. There stands a built-in 2-door stainless steel refrigerator, in the GARAGE! Being JW's must be really HARD for this family! This is NOT representative of 99% of the JW's I knew. This house is incredible!

    11.) 10:15 - Dressed up Elder with no house and no kids (kids left, probably left the Lie as well), has the balls to tell Thomas, "Now who's making excuses?" This is where I would have told this moocher to get the hell off of my property. The audacity of this asshole! Typical Elder mentality though; to talk out of your ass about something you wouldn't know anything about.

    12.) 11:10 - Elder's wife suggesting they mooch of Thomas' family. How typical! What a bunch of freeloaders! Let your own home go, and mooch off the successful, hard-working Witness family. Jehovah provides again! Incredible. The balls these people have.

    13.) 11:22 - Daughter Rebecca has a 2-door convertible Mazda Miata, and pretty new as well. Not exactly a Pioneer-mobile. This daughter is out of control! Satan must be proud. We can also see Dad's $60,000 Volvo SUV in the driveway. These people are WELL-off for sure. No wonder the Elder is hanging around. If they were dirt-poor in a trailer park, this Elder would be nowhere to be found, unless he lived there himself. lol.

    14.) 12:00 - Thomas' co-worker never misses a Little League game of his son's. Now there is a REAL father figure.

    15.) 16:15 - Elder tells Thomas, "Think of Family Worship Night as the central fountain of life that your families life depends upon." Wow....just wow. Here, all this time, I thought JESUS was bringing forth life's water free? Here, this WT propaganda video tells me it's Family Worship Night. Shut my mouth!

    16.) 17:00 - Sitting around your $80,000 kitchen with Elder Moocher using words like, "Inculcating" when speaking about brainwashing your kids. PRICELESS.

    17.) 17:52 - Thomas sitting in his McMansion stating he feels like a "Failure." This is the JW-programming in full effect. You can never do enough, be enough, work enough, or be good enough. Anyone else would be perfectly content, but this guy is moaning and groaning. Boo-hoo! Cult guilt at it's finest.

    18.) 18:45 - Worldly boy mentions about going to church and hearing about, "Thy Kingdom Come." Hey, wasn't that a book printed by the JW's? I wonder what GEMS we could find in it? I swear, it's like they are daring us with their Old Light literature.

    19.) 19:30 - Worldy boy speaks of acceptance and tolerance, 2 things the JW.Org knows absolutely nothing about. Then, he is standing in front of a series of books in the library titled, "Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics." Oh, the irony! Has anyone in the Ivory Towers ever read them I wonder?

    20.) 20:30 - Oldest brother states, ".....nobody has a monopoly on truth." Then goes on to imply about evolution learned in school. Oh, I like this kid, he has a BRAIN! They are playing PlayStation 3. These kids ARE out of control! Probably got Grand Theft Auto 3 loaded on there. Little bastards!

    21.) 21:30 - Uh oh!! In 1984 Judas Priest & Ozzy were of the Devil ! 2014: It's Hip-Hop. Flava-Flav & Ice-T must be proud.

    22.) 22:05 - I just KNEW that fly hip-hop mongul was going to drop a $500.00 bag of pot right on the counter, boo-yah, Boooyeeeee! Next stop for the Eldest Son: Gold chains, bitches, and ho's! This kid looks like he just stepped out of J. Crew, yet he's hanging with hip-hop producers? Get a clue! This is hi-larious! I think that bag of pot came from the Governing Body's meeting room, cause they gotta be smoking some powerful shit to dream this crap up!

    23.) 23:00 - At least the reaction to the ultra-lame new Song Book is spot on! Totally cringe-worthy! Spot-on, Rebecca! Sitting around your house singing out of tune songs. Fun times! I heard a new phrase in this video. Rebecca talks about picturing herself in the "New World." Not "New Order", not "New System of Things," but "New World." interesting. New generation, no terminology. Repackage the same old turd and resell it.

    24.) 27:30 – Rebecca is made to feel inferior and guilty for even talking to a boy. What century are we living in again? Sickening guilt trip by the father. Rebecca flat out tells her father that the worldly boy is nicer and more open-minded then the boys at the Hall. Bingo! The youth are leaving in droves because the Halls are filled with self-righteous, pompous, self-centered narcissists!

    25.) 30:22 - Rebecca sums up living as a JW youth perfectly: “Day in and day out, I feel like an outcast for what I believe in.” At school, I saw other Christian faiths feel pride and joy in their faith, and here in this video, we are freely shown what it is REALLY like to be a JW teenager. Perfect summary, bravo! This should be red flag that what you believe in is wrong, but instead it’s used to prop up that you are the only “true” religion. Sick. The cognitive dissidence is so think you can cut it with a knife.

    26.) 31:30 – The underlying message here: If you don’t keep your kids out of the “world” and straight up secluded/isolated in the Org, then you are negligent, and therefore worthy of eternal death. Fear tactics at its best. This is just sinister.

    27.) 33:00 – Here the WT portrays non-JW guy as they see everyone worldly, as a scumbag. This is shallow and unrealistic in the extreme. It’s always the worst-case scenario from these paranoid fear-mongers. How did Little Miss Innocent get out un-chaperoned anyway? Definitely a no-no in JW Land. A red Mazda, AND a worldly guy? What’s next, an R5 concert? I’m shocked at this Jezebel!

    28.) 34:00 – Elder is preaching on about keeping close to those strong in the truth in “full-time service”. We are starting to see the subtle set-up that those not “full-time” JW’s are not only weak, but also bad association and to be avoided. A clear divide in the congregations is starting to take form. The hard-core Cult is starting to rear its ugly head. It’s happening right before our very eyes!

    29.) 36:00 – a family assignment on the “fruitages of the spirit”. Damn, I’m impressed! Especially since I failed to ever see them in any of the congregations I was ever in. No pros or cons given about evolution to the youngest child, just idiotic creationist logic and deflection from Elder Moocher with his model Ark. Dumb-da-dumb, dumb, dumb! I’m blown away. Ark is conventional rectangular box. No curves allowed, as this would be too much like Christendom’s depictions. Heaven forbid! Youngest boy just “got to do something like this”, instead of playing Playstation. Get real! Hahahaha. Pure fantasy.

    30.) 38:00 – Here we go with the WT talking about family debt, expenses, and work as though they know something about it. They DON’T. Everything is provided for them. Who are they to lay on this guilt trip? They are clueless, as is demonstrated by the fact that they think normal working JW’s live in this type of home and wealth to begin with. It is simply not reality. I am insulted at this, and people watching this have to be as well. 38:00 shows Thomas picking up “Faith” card. Guess what Governing Body, “faith” doesn’t pay the bills! It doesn’t pay yours either, your followers donations do! Simpletons!

    31.) 40:30 – We finally get rid of Elder Moocher, and he has the balls to tell oldest son that he’ll be going places in life, if he just relies on Jehovah. I wonder if he knows where all of those laid-off Bethel workers went after Headquarters kicked them to the curb after decades of servitude? Is Jehovah providing a retirement spending account for them? These kids have no idea of the reality of what this cult will do to your life if you listen and do exactly as they command, no idea at all. They sure wouldn’t be living like this if their parents were janitors and were full-time pioneers.

    32.) 43:15 – When lecturing the son of his talents, the father states, “Why lend your talents to what you know is wrong?” You mean, like the WTBTS investing its member’s contributions into stocks of military and tobacco companies? Also, Hedge Funds? The audacity!

    33.) 45:00 – The ultimatum by the father. Incredible. What he failed to mention, is that if after 6 months the son doesn’t want to continue on in the religion, he’ll be disfellowshipped and promptly kicked to the curb by his family. Some “choice.” Pretty sly to leave THAT little nugget of “truth” out of this video.

    34.) 46:00 – No son, you can’t live your life how you want, make your own mistakes, because it affects US. Screw your own desires and life’s ambitions; you are to serve Mother Org. F’ you, Dad! This video is become sadistic with its underlying messages

    35.) 48:00 – Here we find out about Thomas’ little brother, who he killed in a car wreck due to his own youthful stupidity, and that of his parents for letting a 16-yr old have a 1969 Camaro 302. What this has to do with Thomas’ son growing up and joining a controlling cult, I have no idea, but it sure is good emotional filler. Ugh. I recall reading somewhere that, “the sins of the father are passed onto the son.”

    36.) 50:15 – Family worship is all about your relationship with Jehovah. Funny, Jesus is never mentioned, even though He clearly stated that no one comes to the Father except thru Me. Oh, I forgot, only the Governing Body have a relationship with Jesus, and He is only mediator to THEM, even though the bible clearly states he’s mediator for everyone. Who are we to believe? I’ll take the Bible. The music and violins really kick in after this huge emotional guilt trip the father lays on thick. Way to squash your son’s ambitions in life you miserable WatchTower stooge.

    37.) 53:00 – The mother talks about the bible as a compass, and about what lines up with it. Pretty hard to do, when the compass has been tampered with by an inept translating committee made up of people who refuse to cite their references or list their credentials. JW’s have the worst translated bible of anyone, and actual bible scholars all agree on this point. It’s FACT.

    38.) 55:50 – No JW girl would say this to a guy. She’d lie, make up something….anything… avoid bringing up God in school. She would be the laughing stock of the entire school once it got out if she dumped a guy like this. I don’t know how the actors did this with a straight face.

    39.) 57:50 – Husband whips up an expense report on a notepad on the patio. He fails to mention “inflation”, the rising cost of gas and food as expenditures. He DID mention “donations” though. Gotta get that $$$ into Mother without fail! After all, it’s mandatory now. You know, I’m positive if he sells his Rolex and new Volvo SUV, they can ride it out safe and sound until The End, or at least until their utility rates peak or the kids up and leave for good. Say, I heard nothing about saving for 401K or college funds? Nope, not important in the here and now, just ask Sister ElderlySocialMoocher.

    40.) 58:25 – Wife talks about trusting Jehovah and putting spiritual things first. Then they talk about cutting back, cutting things out of their lives to simplify. Kind of like building that new 5-yr plan up at Headquarters, huh? Those tennis courts, bowling alleys, and Olympic sized swimming pools are putting “spiritual things first & simplifying”, huh? The hypocrisy is astounding. The writers of this video live in a fantasyland. See, in the real world if you don’t pay your bills they take your car, house, etc and toss you on the street. Jehovah helps those who help themselves. Congregation and Circuit Overseers couldn’t care less. Other Christian denominations take care of their own financially, what do JW’s offer? Pray more, attend all meetings, and be more regular in the field ministry. That’s it. I don’t see the guys at the very top of this pseudo-religion cutting back, I see them with gold rings and bracelets and new suits. But hey, it’s “Do as we say, not as we do” in WT-Land. The wife can quit her job, so she can be in her rightful place, the kitchen! Everything is looking like the 1950’s now!

    41.) 1:00 – I’ll give Thomas credit for standing up for himself and desiring to work less overtime. Having been in this situation myself, I can agree that there is much more to life than work and money. You have to stand up to the boss once in a while, no matter what the outcome. Good for him. Here we find out that he is actually a Mechanical Engineer. He must have gotten that degree before he found Da Truth, because that level of higher education is completely frowned upon today. He denies the very education and opportunities to his son, while enjoying the benefits of such himself? Hypocrite. Also, if he has his PE stamp, he can easily find another job. Mechanical Engineers are in demand. Screw that company.

    42.) 1:04 – Hey Marcus, get ready to start your new career in the custodial arts! You are going places, Bro!

    43.) 1:05 – I can’t stress enough the size and grandeur of this house. I’ve personally never known a JW to live this good, not a single one, even the Elder’s I knew who owned their own construction businesses wouldn’t have dared to live this good for fear of backlash. JW’s watching at home in their trailers or 1-story ranchers have got to have their jaws on the floor at how these people live. This family must live in Dawson’s Creek as well by how they dress and what with all the drama, etc. I’m just in awe of how they live. It’s like they are already into their “New World” home. These people are rolling in money. Is this how JW’s live out in California? It’s like a different world.

    44.) 1:07 – Here we see the beautiful home for sale. You gotta be kidding me? I thought “Jehovah provides?” Guess he was late paying the mortgage or taxes! That ol’ Jehovah! But look on the bright side, this frees up more of your hard earned money to donate to I am going to be sick.

    And last but certainly not least, we just watched a 68 minute video from a religion professing to be Christian, but which failed to mention Jesus even once! I am again stunned. Where is His love, praise, and understanding when it comes to family? Nowhere to be found in this video. The propaganda and outright manipulative videos now streaming out of the are just an incredible sight to behold. I don’t find anything even remotely realistic or upbuilding in this video. It is complete nonsense and doesn’t hold up to critical thinking or realistic expectations. It also reminds me of some long Mormon video what with the corny logic and music. What more can I say? The WatchTower is evolving…..errr….de-evolving right in front of our very eyes. If you made it this far and actually watched the video, then thanks I guess.

    - Wing Commander

  • sarahsmile

    You hit it on the nail!

    It brought back old old memories!

    An elder drives a brand new BMW walks into the KH. Although embarrassed because they can not afford to buy such a nice car, Everyone greets him and looks forward to his talk. Men expressed to each other, how they sure would like to drive their family in a nice car!

    The elders talk: YOU should not be driving new cars because going out in service only requires used car! Time is near and the need is great. 1970s.

    Hopefully the JWs will see this post and get a clue! Wake up!

    Please do more of these post! Blondie has one style and you hit it on the nail. They do not mention Jesus!

  • snare&racket

    The cheek of men that have never had a real job, career or vocation, telling other people how to go about planning their secular life.

    It is no mystery, why they sound so far from reality, they are.

  • Oubliette

    WC: we just watched a 68 minute video from a religion professing to be Christian, but which failed to mention Jesus even once!

    Really, not even once!

    I wonder how many JWs will notice that?

  • prologos

    of course Jesus, in the story book, said some very unrealistic things TOO. A nice ideal though.

    wingcommander, I like those After Burners roaring critiques.

    I will never watch it. enough said

    so well by you.

  • JustVisting

    Excellent critique WC.

    BTW, I knew an elder & wife that lived in a custom-built 250-300K home (expensive in this area), wife drove current model SUV (good for service) and wore expensive yet drab-colored outfits (linen, cashmere, etc.), and they were accustomed to yearly jaunts to places like Martha's Vineyard in NE. The congo. only found out because they were on vacation there when the FAA halted all air traffic after 09/11 and they were "stuck" on Martha's Vineyard.

    Bottom line, totally unrealistic with 99% of J_Ws, myself included. The contrast with reality is breath-taking!

  • WingCommander

    What can I say? I find this video to be absolutely REPULSING. They are not uplifting in any sense, and make one feel that even if you are a good provider for your family and you live comfortably, you have something to feel guilty about. Always with the huge guilt trip. You are never doing enough for Mother Org, NEVER. Also, I don't know what it is about the videos, but I like that I can pause them and then really think about not only what was said, but about what is being subtley IMPLIED. The undertone, the hidden meaning that only JW's can really "get" if they were raised in it like we were. It's disturbing to me on many levels how controlling and manipulative and "brazen" they have become as of late.

    These beatings will continue until morale improves, so listen, obey, & be blessed.

    - Wing Commander

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    An excellent review of the DVD WingCommander.

    I watched it last night but preferred your version.

    Most JW's will snooze through this and say 'wonderful' at the end without any thought whatever.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WingCommander: 'And last but certainly not least, we just watched a 68 minute video from a religion professing to be Christian, but which failed to mention Jesus even once! I am again stunned.'

    It's interesting how the Bible describes Jesus in Proverbs 8:30 as a Master Worker.

    When I think of master I'm thinking of such words as main, chief, major or in other words...a person in charge as in 'El Capitan'!

    But in this video Jesus isn't even given a cameo mention. Doesn't surprise me though, because in most WT literature the greatest man who ever lived is treated like a peon!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    In reference to 40.) 58.25 above. Did you take note of the plug for donating to the WT.

    Thomas and his wife are talking about cutting back and getting by with less here and spending less there. Then Thomas mentions that there must be set aside enough of their money for 'donations'!

    WT didn't have the need to mention or talk about Jesus Christ and they couldn't work that in somehow....

    'But Gawd-Damn-It make sure the general JW population watching this video are left with an ending thought about donating to the WTBTS'!

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