Kingdom Ministry in other languages

by Simplicity 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Simplicity

    is there a way to get the OKM in both Tagalog and Thai? thanks


  • villagegirl

    And why would you want to ?

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is an American invention

    of the 19th Century based on American Adventist doctrines.

    The Watchtower has made many false prophesies,

    Deuteronomy 18:22 says if a prophet proclaims in the

    name of Jehovah and the thing he said does not take place, he is a

    False Prophet. The eight men in New York claim to be the sole channel

    of communication for true religion. (prophets) This is not true. If you are

    in the Phillipines or Thailand , do not listen to these people, they have

    many secrets they are not telling you. Like the fact they have protected

    child molestors and have been successfully sued in the USA because of it.

    Do not give them any money.

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