Hi to all! I come to visit

by Truth and Justice 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Hi Everyone,

    I decided to stop over for a visit to see how everyone is doing. It seems that there are more people coming over to visit this site. So many new faces and people with so many stories to tell. My heart pains me as to the difficulty that people have had to endure for so many years. But you are not alone, me and my parents deal with it as well. The numbers of people that are walking away from this organization is staggering. My Folks and I have been out for over 25 years.

    I keep tabs on the organization to see what is taking place, and there is no progress, or zeal, or an energy to motivate the sheep, the sheep have been battered and beaten. Everything from the branches being closed, less publications being printed, consolidating of kingdom halls, to telling people they need to contribute demonstates what has been foretold for a long time, and that is that Jehovah's spirit is no longer with them. Many times in my posts I have stated my true feeling from the scripture where it says--

    "Here I am against the prophets of false dreams," is the utterance of Jehovah, "who relate them and cause my people to wander about because of their falsehoods and because of their boasting." "But I myself did not send them or command them. So they will by no means benefit this people," is the utterance of Jehovah.

    He will gather us back to him, because we belong to him. We do not belong to them, the organization. They have painted God to be very demanding and without compassion, and they will pay for that in the end for all the misery they have caused for hundreds of thousands of families in the rules they have made and for the separation of the family.

    So, all I can say is be patient, and yes, I hate that word "Patience". But it will work out, because you know, I'm still waiting for the other half of our family.

    In the meantime, as I always like to say "Happy Trails to You"!!

    Your Friend, Truth and Justice

  • sarahsmile


    Nice people are getting out! Congratulations on 25 years!

    I feel like I am in a RA meeting! Here is your RA coin!

    Tell your parents hi and congratulations.

    Religious Anonymous or Cult Anonymous? CA Maybe it should be JWA.

  • Decided

    they will pay for that in the end for all the misery they have caused for hundreds of thousands of families in the rules they have made and for the separation of the family.

    Didn't the Jesus say he came not to bring peace but trouble between families in the bible? Matt. 10:34

    They sure fullfiled that saying of Jesus.

    Ken P.

  • Heartofaboy


  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    Thank you Truth and Justice for your positive words. It was encouraging to wake up this morning and read them. You have been out for 25 years and are still waiting to help the other half of your family. Your actions speak volumes to me. Your comment, "So all I can say is be patient, and yes, I hate the word "Patience". Wow! What can I say? Amen? Exactly? Right now I do not have the words to express my reaction to that sentence.

    Let me explain:

    At present I am taken in so much information that confirms the damage done to people by the watchtower. Not just from a distance, but up close and personal. Real people who are looking me in the eye. People I have known for years. People who are right now in very difficult circumstances. People who are in need of help beyond what the organization is even capable of giving. They need answers right now. Like, where are they going to live? How are they going to make money to eat? Why are the family in their life not following "what the Bible teaches?" "Why are the elders not doing what they are instructed to do?"

    When we talk I not only hear their words, but can see their pain deep inside. It is not just the words. It is looking deep into their eyes and actually feeling what they are going thru. In the past I gave answers that helped them cope. For one person, the help my family gave, was money, a job, association etc..

    Now think about this: These people know I am D.F.ed. Yet, they are looking for answers from me? What does this say about the elders they are dealing with now? I know the answer to that question. I know these elders from the inside and the outside. Personally the case is closed.

    So I think I have said enough about your post to convince you that I appreciate it very much. You give me something to hope for and acknowleged the frustration of haveing to be patient. In reality I am the one getting therepy form being allowed to comment about why I agree with what you said. Even though I could just go on I will just say one more thing.


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