I can start getting better...

by airwlk149 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    hi guys.
    this is a post where it's gonna be like a diary entry for me. this will help me get out some things. those who have been in the chat room recently with me know what's going on.

    last night was so hard for me. i should not have gone over to stephanie's house in the first place. but somewhere in my heart i was thinking we were gonna end up back together and we were just gonna laugh about it down the road. she called me at work and i told her i got off at 3 and i wanted for her to come over. she said that she might not be able to but for me to come over when i got off. so i said yes. i went over there and i was happy to see her, but i could tell she wasn't being herself. before, she had told me i was blowning this whole thing out of porportion and she WASN'T dating mandy. so anyways we went out together to the bank and the gas station. she got me some snacks and a drink and we went to the grocery store to pick some things up. we started talking somehow and i asked if she was really dating mandy and she said YES. i freaked. i asked if she had kissed her. she said she wasn't going to tell me. she said if she said no, i would think we were getting back together, and if she said yes, it would push me over the edge. as we were driving she looked over to me and asked if i was ok. i slapped her so fucking hard i left my hand print on her face. i told her to never to talk to me again and never ever fucking lie to me or hurt me. my plan then was to go buy a gun and kill myself. i CANNOT imagine life without stephanie. i cannot sleep at night when i am alone and have no one to hold me and i know that she is holding HER. i told her this was going to be the last time she ever saw me. she knew what i was talking about. we parked and we started talking and she said that she loved me still and she didn't want to live without me but she wasn't in love with me anymore and she wanted this girl. i started crying harder and my reslove became even stronger: i had to die. there was no way i was going to get better. i was fucked over by timothy and the elders and my parents and this whole god damned religion- now the only one person who i fully trusted is leaving me for this disgusting whore of a lesbian- ugly piece of shit M-A-N-D-Y.
    i still do not want to live. after we were done talking, i left and picked up the boys, and dropped them off. i got onto the freeway and started driving. i was driving towards reno, nevada. my plan was to either buy a gun and blow my fucking brains out- or to buy a whole lot of sleeping pills and something to drink and park somewhere isolated and die that way. i called this guy matt that i had hurt (he was the guy i cheated on stephanie with 6 months ago) and told him i was sorry. i called my friend casey and told him i loved him. i called my friend christine who was freaking out. she talked to me on my cell phone the whole time until i finally told her where i was. which is a good thing because my car overheated and i had to pull over an hour away from home.she followed me home and she stayed with me until i fell asleep.
    i woke up this morning and started bawling. i got dressed and headed for work. i went in the office to tell my boss i couldn't work today and he asked me why and i started crying. i looked like shit, i hadn't showered this morning and i felt awful. i was shaking and sad and suicidal. i ended up telling him everything and he and his assistant were very understanding. his assistant is so sweet. they wouldn't let me leave until i had a doctors appointment. it took forever to find a therepist that was accepting new patients on a saturday.
    i finally made and appointment and his assistant even loaned me the money for the appointment and i will pay her back later. i am trying to make an appointment with a regular therepist who accepts my insurance and a psycologist who can prescibe the right medicine for me. i have severe depression and that is a very scary thing. stephanie called me while i was in the doctors office and i talked to her for a little bit. i do not know how i am going to get through this. all i can and will promise is i will TRY to get through this, not that i WILL get through this. i do not like life i do not trust people. my boss is a great guy and his assistant is fantastic and i am greatful to them but they do not know what it is like to be me. maybe they know what it's like to be dumped... but they don't have to deal with elder shit and jw parents......
    that is all for now.

    love ya bunches,

  • MarchOn

    Dear Katie,
    Most of us have been through this before. Break ups are so hard on everyone. And don't forget how many of us used to be Jws and have family that are and I'm sure a good majority of us has been right where your at now. Keep your chin up! You WILL and CAN make it.If I had never trusted again, I would not have the awesome husband I have now. Or if I had done what you talk about ( I did think about it)I would never know this great life!! Please don't give up!!!!!

  • Mimilly

    Katie - I'm very glad you posted what you've gone through in the past 24 hours. It is SO important for you to reach out right now. It is easy to see that the pain is overwelming for you.
    You need to talk, to cry, to feel that numbness, and yes, the anger. When it comes to saying that you cannot imagine life without her - that is a feeling that isn't a fact. It is the reality of the sudden void in your life speaking, and basically, screaming to be filled. You've been hurled clear of your comfort zone limits, free-falling as it were. The elders et al are salt in an already painful wound.
    Keep reaching out Katie. We all care about you so much. Breath by breath, then minute by minute, then step by step and then day by day. You WILL get through this. It won't be easy and it won't be overnight. As your title to this thread said - "I can start getting better..." Even with all the pain you are feeling, you wrote that.

    warm hugs,

  • singsongboi


    it's hard to realise it now, but maybe there is someone better waiting in your future than stephanie..

    when we go thru lots of difficulties, and we find someone we consider to be a kindred spirit, we invest all our hopes on that person. particularly so, when that is person, also symbolises all our unexpressed feelings for a lover of the same sex.

    many gay and lesbian people (and this may be the problem for stephanie) find it hard to think about stable relationships.

    this is not their/our/your fault that this is a problem, for there have been many great same sex loves in history -- but it's the fault of the mean spirited and grim hearted religious people that continue to oppose any stability in same sex relationships. some openly boast that they would prefer to see us promiscous than in stable relationships. Why? because, then it is easier to demonise us.

    out of your trials will come a peace and maturity that will make you a more desirable person.

    believe me! it will happen.

    in my work with the Gay & Lesbian Immigration Task Force** in australia, i have seen so many couples fight such great battles to stay together.

    It can happen for you also, but maybe not with stephanie..

    stay cool darling... not tomorrow, but next week sometime the sun will shine brightly.



    btw -- my chye and i have been together 13 years next month. We met when i was planning suicide also.. i'll tell the story one day!


    ** Gay & Lesbian Immigration Task Force (GLITF)is an australian organisation set up to fight for equal rights with str8 people in bringing their overseas partner to australia.

    From the start 20 years ago, there was almost immediate results.12 years ago, the rights of gays and lesbians to bring their overseas partner to australia were codified in law.

    Today, GLITF exists as a voluntary service organisation, assisting members to do all the paperwork, and compile the documentation requested by the Australian Department of Immigration.

    My chye and i are able to live together because of this right. (he's from singapore)

  • cyrano

    Katie, all I can tell you is you have to be strong. This is a hard time for you, but it will get better. This storm will pass, but you need to see nothing is worth taking your life over.

    Instead of thinking about suicide, think about the positive things your life may bring to others now and in the future. I know how hard it can be, you have to believe in yourself. Your worth and happiness is not dependent on other people but who you are is what is really important. God bless you, for you are in my prayers.

  • DakotaRed

    Katie, I am so sorry you are going through this. But, none of them are worth your life. As painful as it may be right now, nothing is worth your life. You have a lot to live for, whatever way you end up going.

    Yes, it hurts like hell and will for some time, but it does get better. Trust me, I am going through my third divorce, been there, done that. And, I had daughters that the first tried in vain to separate me from. It took five years, but I ended up with custody of both of them. I tell you this to show you that the hurt can be truned to something positive and it does eventually pass.

    As I told my daughters, missing boyfriends (In their case, but girlfriends are the same)are like missing a bus. Another one will be along shortly.

    But please, go and see that therapist. You have an entire life ahead of you and I'm so sure you have lots to offer to someone special.

    Take care of yourself and if you ever need to vent, my email is always open.

  • Sunspot

    <<Katie, I am so sorry you are going through this. But, none of them are worth your life. As painful as it may be right now, nothing is worth your life. You have a lot to live for, whatever way you end up going. Yes, it hurts like hell and will for some time, but it does get better.>>

    Lew, I couldn't have said it better!

    I've never read one of Airwalk's posts until this one, and I know only what's been said here today, about her...but the PAIN she's in is SO hard to even READ about. I'm grabbing at Kleenex as I write....


    Katie---About 35 years ago, I had the same unexplainable pain when my world (before the WTS) crashing down on me....and had totally given my "usually guarded" self over to someone...and given my ALL with everything I had, hook, line and sinker, as they say.

    I completely trusted in and was "deliriously happy" in love with someone that I believed in and was convinced loved ME the same way.

    He didn't.

    I was devastated.

    I DID try to take my life. Twice. In less than 24 hours. One method didn't work--I tried another. I was pissed when I woke up in a hospital, cuz I couldn't even do THAT right! And everybody would know, and I'd have to face THAT as well. I "made it" to the newspaper---VERY small blurb--but it was THERE (sigh)

    But Katie, hon, I sit here at 60 years old, and KNOW with every fiber in me, that NO human being that S***S all over us and puts our love and trust into their personal dumpster, is worth OUR life and our spirit!

    You CAN get through the pain! You CAN get through the hurt and devastation heaped on you! You CAN!!! Believe me!

    There WILL be someone who will VALUE your love and return it in kind.

    PLEASE don't give up on KATIE as a person!!! PLEASE!!!

    BIG hugs,


  • crawdad2

    hi katie,

    seems like you rely on others to much.........maybe you should try understanding yourself better.......and you would feel more secure, and what others do to you won't be as traumatic to you.

  • rmayer32

    Hang in there Katie! I feel badly for what you are going through and wish you all the love and happiness in the world


  • Introspection

    Hi Katie, I'm glad that there are people there who are looking out for you. I hope you are getting some counseling, the antidepressants may help but some therapy may help you sort things out.

    Also, remember that people don't need to know what it's like for you to help you. All anyone needs to help you is to want to help, and all you need is to be open to their help. The same thing goes for therapy, which is really just two people sitting down to talk. If you open up to them, you might just find that they are not so far away from your experience.

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