If US President Invites You For Supper?

by exWTslave 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Suppose, you and your family were invited for supper with US President. After having the meal with him, you and your family returned and started describing what happened during the meal:

    “When we reached the President’s house, he offered us Dr Pepper and then served the meal.”

    “No,” he served first meal, then Dr. Pepper, says your wife!

    His purpose of inviting us was this ….

    “No,” his purpose was that …., says your wife!

    Naturally, your listeners are confused!

    Then decades passed; you are 98, (at a time you are too old to remember the events in the past) on your death bead. You called your friends and said: “That day when the President invited us for supper, the first thing he did was this: “He washed our feet and kissed them. What humility! Then he served us the meal. Then he talked to us about a New Legislation that would make all old laws invalid. Then he engaged in an intimate conversation with us—nearly 140 sentences he told us!”

    Think about your listeners. What would they have concluded about you and the truthfulness of the whole episode?

    Now compare this with the way details of The Last Supper is reported in the Bible:

    1) “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” (Luke 22:20)

    2) Paul expands: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. … For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

    3) Mark further expands: “This is my blood of thecovenant, which is poured out formany. (Mark 14:24-25)

    4) Mathew further expands: “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out formanyfor the forgiveness of sins. (Mathew 26:28-29)

    5) The order of communion:
    - First bread, then wine (Mark 14:22-25, Matthew 26:26-29)
    - No, first wine, then bread (Luke 22:17-20)
    John says there was no communion at all during the Last Supper

    6) When did Jesus predict his betrayal?
    BEFORE the communion portion of the Last Supper (Mark 14:17-21, Matthew 26:20-25, John 13:21-30).
    No, it was AFTER the communion portion of the Last Supper! (Luke 22:21-23)

    7) While Mathew, Mark and Luke give the idea that the Last Supper was a Passover Meal, John is totally unaware of it, and places the event “before the Feast of the Passover” (John 13:1); and reports many unique things (washing of apostles’ feet, establishment of “New Commandment,” and a lengthy, intimate conversation of Jesus with his Heavenly Father) of which all of the early gospel writers are NOT aware.

    8) James, half brother of Jesus, has no idea about establishment of a “New commandment” as reported in John 13:34, and about the intimate conversation (over 140 verses of Jesus—John 13:12-17:26); hence repeats the same Old Testament verse: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and declares it as “the kingly law.” (James 2:8)

    Viewed objectively, one may remember Hitler who said: “People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.” (Hitler as His Associates Know Him, OSS report, p.51).

    Yet opening of the mind also happens—but it happens very slowly! In 1992, Church finally exonerated Galileo of his “accursed heresy” that the earth was not the center of Solar System. Galileo had actually been cleared in 1722 itself, when Sir Isaac Newton had proved Galileo was correct. Yet he was still on the hook for 360 years after his discovery of truth.

    How long will it take for WT Society to realize that their Memorial Celebration is actually an apostate celebration?

  • designs

    What a lot of balony

  • exWTslave


    You are free to read again--without hurry!

  • prologos

    There really was no White House invitation, and no MEMORIAbLe supper as erroneously reported either.

  • Oubliette

    Be part of an original crowd!


  • sarahsmile

    Sounds like my siblings! Everyone expresses what they think but nit pick over the little dam details.

    My brother lives to state the opposite or loves to see if he can keep me in total confusion.Sets me up!

    It is like he loves to cause conflict.

    As your story:the husbands wife correcting every little detail of the husband's story! Kick the wife out! Replace her!

    As far as the last supper, I think I will have faith in it and believe what it says.

  • sarahsmile

    Why call it a Memorial Celebration? That is like calling it a Funeral Party.

    I feel like a Dr.Pepper

  • Listener

    When I read the title of the thread I was thinking of this scenario.

    Let's say 6,000 people were invited to the supper but the catch was that you could only sit and watch and only 11, specially chosen people could partake of the most glorious of celebrations. These 11 being the only ones at that time that had possibility of achieving presidency status.

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