You're Invited: 100 Year Anniversary Party- 10/1/2014?

by 4thgen 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 4thgen

    Have you gotten your invitation from the WT to their big 100 year blow-out to celebrate the Reign of Christ? It should be a very swank affair, especially with all the billions of dollars they have on hand. It should be a doozy! After all, we've waited and toiled 100 years to celebrate this magnificent event.

    The only thing that concerns me on the guest list, since there are people that were around at the start of the reign, (you know those that would not die before the end came).... Golly, they maybe close to the 100 year mark...if not older! Poor things, they maybe be too advanced in years to dance the jig at the party and may have to have cake strained into liquid to aid in digestion. (Cake smoothies?)

    • All you Party Planners out there, do you have any suggestions we can pass along to the GB?
  • RunAsFastAsYouCan

    My Gosh man. We should really make this happen. That's a great fucking idea. The GovBoars would probably crap their depends.

  • sarahsmile

    Yes, I got my invitation in the mail today! It was amazing just fantastic.

    Until I saw the list of volunteer duties: Hand out tubes of hemmroid cream and ass wipers needed.

    Go easy on the chocalate cake smoothies it could get messy.

  • ABibleStudent

    IMHO I think all JWN members should plan on meeting across the street from the WTBTS HQ in Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY to celebrate 100+ years of WTBTS failed predictions starting from 1878. Lets throw a party, because the WTBTS sure won't!!

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • RottenRiley

    12-13-14 at most Kingdom Halls. When will the Watchtower try to phase out the 1914 thorn in their shoes and black slacks?

  • Phizzy

    I bet the Writing Department are already planning their 2015 articles. "The Time Left is Reduced" "He who endures to the End" "Keep on the Watch" etc,

    that sort of crap, along with some writing like this :

    " ...... many of the faithful were in great expectation that something momentous would happen in 2014, perhaps in their eagerness for God's Kingdom to hold full sway over the Earth they were forgetting that he comes "like a thief in the night" and "no-one knows the day or the hour", nevertheless the time left is evidently much reduced Blah Blah Blah...."

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