"No man knows....."

by pbrow 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pbrow

    "No man knows the genuineness of his convictions until he has sacrificed something for them" E.H Chapin.....

    On my last post I realized that I have been here for over three years. Although I am on less and less, I couldnt even begin to count how many hours I spent here. First as a lurker then finally overcoming the fear (sounds so stupid now) of joining the site and actually posting. Ignorance is really crushed by information and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the men and women who have started websites such as this one. Thank you Simon.

    When you finally make the stand that you will no longer have your life dicated to you it is very empowering. You can and most likely will lose many relationships as so many of us have but it is truly worth being your own man.... sink or swim. I wouldn't change anything.

    Thank you to all the posters, especially the apologists and also thanks to Marvin Shilmer, JWFacts and of course Ray Franz.


  • jwfacts

    That is a great quote. So many on this site have shown that they are genuine about their convictions. It says a lot about the true strength of "apostates." It is nice to hear that your choices have worked out well for you.

    Thank you for the mention too.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for that quote, very true. We have all of course sacrificed a lot for our convictions, but we stick to them, because the integrity underpinning them comes from within us, not from an imposed belief system coming out of New York.

    Morally, those of us who have left the WT/JW cult have the High Ground.

    My heartfelt thanks also goes to all those that you mentioned.

  • clarity

    pbrow ...nice to see you. Good luck with your

    new life ...wishing you happiness!


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