JEN members forming telephone social groups

by excaliber 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • excaliber

    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering how helpful telephone social groups would be? I have heard that people feel staying on JWN to long causes them to feel depression.

    Is it possible that being in front of a computer to often can make one feel depressed? Would speaking to JWN members on the phone in addition to posting online help ones feel not as lonely and not as depressed?

    There may be ones who are not living in areas where meetups happen regularly, and the JWN website alone may not be enough support for ones to leave the org and suffer the lose of family and friends.

    Anyone that would like to chat via phone or text should feel free to PM me. Private info such as real names dont have to be used if it makes ones uncomfortable.

  • HappyDad

    You've been a member of this forum for 6 days and you "heard" this? Ok...where did you "Hear" it?

  • excaliber

    I have been aware of this forum for much longer then 6 days lol. Anyway I spoke to an old friend and asked if they still posted on JWN, there reply is why I posted the above.

    Also to be frank i also used to feel this way when i would read posts years ago, i would always stop because i would find myself infront of the computer for far to long, trying to keep up with all the posts.

    There was a myspace group that I was a member of for ex JW. It was so cool because it was small enuff that I got to know everyone in the group. A lot of us yraded phone numbers and became good friends, I even met a few of the members and we had a blast!

    I felt that while posting online was fine, it was really great to have someone to talk to also.

    Dose that not make sence?

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    It's no mystery. What you think about becomes your physical reality. The only thing in this world that you have complete unquestionable control over is your own thoughts....and if you dwell on this shit long enough it becomes your reality.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It sounds like a good idea in the abstract. There have been a small number of members here that scared me. It was good they knew little about me. I don't know how to filter such people. The meet ups sound like so much fun. Everyone raves about them. My concern is that I just wandered in here one day. The Witnesses were very much a minor issue. Being here triggered all sorts of childhood and teenage memories. I was always interested in JW history. Now I am addicted. I guess the Witnesses were a major issue in my life that I suppressed.

    I will mull over it. It is strange that someone with so little membership time would want to organize this. The idea sounds obvious. I wonder if it has happened in the past with what results.

  • kjg132

    It sounds like a good idea...and I totally understand why it would be suggested. I think that its nice you would suggest something like this after only a short time on the forum.....nothing wrong with it at all....and yes you can "hear" or "read" lots of stuff without being an active member on this forum....exiting affects all of us in crazy ways...most of us need to work through it but sometimes even though forums like this can be helpful it forces a lot of people to deal with unpleasant realizations of what we were all a part of...its also confusing to try to figure out what you believe can make you sad or depressed...and having alternate outlets really helps...

  • cantleave

    I have been posting here since 2009 and haven't yet become depressed.

  • excaliber

    Band on the run: I have met exJWs that scared me at first also, for example in the myspace gettingoup there was a member that was into wicca and frankly she scared me. I am not afraid of things like that anymore, but at the time I limited my contact with her to just the online forum. While I would be open to speaking to anyone now, I understand why you would want to avoid people who scare you. The meetups are super fun! You get to just be yourself with other people who understand where your coming from, just be yourself and only do or talk about what your comfortable with. I have been addicted just like you after finding sites like this years ago.

    kjg132: you just expressed my thoughts perfectly in your post, im glad im not the only one that feels that way.

    Cantleave: Im glad you haven't had to deal with depression, because it is not fun. And I hope you never do, wish I could say the same.

    I hear a lot about how long I have been on the forum. Would sharing a little about myself help ones feel more comfortable?

    I served at walkill bethel and it was my life for years until the bethel family was called together for a meeting. We were basically told that it was Jehovah's will that some of us be sent to other branches and bethels in other countries or Gilead school and MTS or special pioneer service. I went to my room and thought in amazement about how Jehovah might use me. However the truth is I was just shown the door. They did it the exact same way worldly companies do layoffs, my overseer called me into a room and basically told me I had to leave. I went to my room and was in shock, I started looking for jobs online and typed up a resume. I asked my overseer if I could have a little training in a department were I could find a job in that field. Bethel trained people in plumbing and all kind of skills so why not help us get some basic skills for our job search. Well my answer came when an overseer showed up with brothers from the moving department and he instructed them to pack up my stuff and put it in my car and sent me on my way right then and there.

    I was beyond hurt as im driving away from wallkill, trying to figure out where exactly i was gonna drive too. I litteraly went from being a bethelite to being in a car with a bunch of boxes of clothes etc..

    I was so angry and so hurt and so depressed that I became physically very sick. It took me years to recover.

    In summary I tried to find the truth in different churches and ive been atheist for a while and agnostic and now I dont know if there is a category for what I am..... other then just exJW.

    Any specific questions feel free to ask. Im a pretty open person, and I enjoy hearing other peoples story also.

  • valkyrie

    excaliber, the manner of your dismissal from Bethel was simply indecent!

    However, if you are nonetheless open to the idea of returning to the organization [Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?], I suppose you have not reached the limit of your potential for humiliation and disrespect.

    I hope you can find your healing.


    I have heard that people feel staying on JWN to long causes them to feel depression.


    ...............................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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