Cantleave and I are going to go and donate blood tomorrow

by Amelia Ashton 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    If you're generally healthy and aged 17 and over you can donate blood.

    Apparently 96% of us rely on the 4% who do.

    It is another milestone for me after leaving the cult.

  • Phizzy

    Well done Amelia and Cantleave ! I find it a liberating thing to do, and always a pleasant experience.the staff from the BT service are lovely, and you get to meet and talk to an interesting group of all sorts of people who donate.

    It is wonderful to think too that our donations will really be saving lives !

  • cantleave

    I wonder if they will want my satanic, atheist blood?

  • Phizzy

    They just love the rare types ! They said my blood type was fairly rare, only 8% of the population have it, so it is in demand.

    Now Satanic, Atheistic, with a good percentage of alcohol in it, must really be in demand !

  • gorgia2

    Amelia & cantleave,

    That's awesome news!


  • besty

    good move - I will wait for the bank holiday excesses to wear off and will then have a go...

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