NEWS OF THE WEIRD: Jehovah's Will

by obiefernandez 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    Caught this nugget in News of the Weird, a United Features Syndicate by Chuck Shepard (clipped from Creative Loafing in Atlanta, GA)


    A 45-year old woman who was killed as she walked onto I-55 near Sherman, Ill., in October was revealed to have been a member of a Jehovah's Witnesses breakaway group that believes they should test their faith (much like snake-handlers do) by standing in the middle of traffic. A few days before her fatal demonstration of faith, she had been pulled to safety from the same highway as she attempted to proselytize to drivers zooming by.


    Good grief! If this story is true, talk about jumping "from the frying pan into the fire".

  • logical

    That brings to mind the temptation of Jesus...

    "You shall not put Jehovah to the test"


  • Seven

    Obie, Thank you for this interesting news item. The breakaway sect I'm
    associated with has taken to bungee jumping from a crane. I am terrifed of taking this leap of faith-and in a dress no less.


  • Xandit

    I fearlessly predict that this group will not be around long. That will be of obviously be of considerable benefit to the gene pool. Does anyone know how to contact these people? There are a few folks I'd like to send in their direction.

  • TR


    Will you be jumping feet first or diving?(couldn't help myself)


  • ZazuWitts


    Heavens sure to wear new panties! I'm sincere; had a friend who did the jump, the the elastic gave out.
    Ha,Ha,Ha! (I am certain the men will have some comments on this.) But, go for it dear Seven....we all need some excitement in our lives now and then.
    One of my daughters (who would dive off a cliff into a raging river at the first invite) calls such daring(s) "the cave man thrill." And, even at my age, I would still like to experience whitewater river rafting.

    Obie, hmmmm your 'item' reminds me of the 'anointed' brothers in Germany during WWII -
    not fearing the bombing raids!

  • Seven

    TR, Hey, knock it off!! This is a very spiritual moment I'm talking about here. It is written that sisters are required to jump feet first. Brothers dive.

    Zazu, Thank you for your concern.Rest assured Victoria's Secret will be well advertised during my descent.

    I can indentify with what your daughter calls the cave man thrill-that
    obsession with cheating death. Some have it, some don't. There is a railroad trestle near where I grew up that everyone would jump/dive from into the river below to prove how cool(incredibly stupid) they were. I made the jump holding onto the hand of my brother who was screaming as the train approached about having to go NOW because there
    just isn't enough room to stand while the train passed. A major
    "cave man thrill." It felt good to be cool. Poor parents.


    Edited by - sevenofnine on 7 February 2001 14:1:37

    Edited by - sevenofnine on 7 February 2001 14:5:35

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