Visit to Bethel, Convention Jitters and Kingdom Hall Attendance Dropping of a Cliff!

by AuntConnie 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntConnie

    I feel like Jehovah has cursed me some days and others I feel he is using me to direct others out the front and back door of our Kingdom Hall.

    Here's my update on our perfect congregation, we are losing publishers monthly with meeting attendance down below one hundred during the weekday meeting. Should I feel guilty for mistreating the miserable mentally ill and chronically ill publishers who are milking the public welfare system, nto because they do not deserve anything better but because they bring only their appetite to our spiritual banquet while we elderettes study the Watchtower and Wow the publishers with our thirty second polished comments to bring praise to Jehovah. I have other good news to share with all the heathen, me and my husband were handpicked by Jehovah God to be part of the program during the District Convention to demonstrate how a proper family should behave and present themselves publically.

    Will the stupid publishers that attended conventions before the rest of us shut up! Like most spiritual obedient families, we attend the correct and spirit directed date set by Jehovah's Faithful Slave! Now, I heard there is a real doozy part on evil, sneaky, malicious and wicked apostates. I heard part of this part because one inconsiderate sister started to spew off the program until I put my foot in her mouth (verbally) to stop the flow. Why are apostates gaining momentum and why must almost every convention mention the impact of the internet and the Evil Slave? The best advice to give all weak publishers who would disobey Jehovah and receive his wrath by looking at a different website might be to ignore the problem. Why are the brothers at Bethel so scared of little old apostates with loud lungs?

    One day the Organization is going to realize all the time they spend on the weak, sick and social fringes of the Kingdom Hall will be their downfall. The spiritually strong don't visit these sites; they do not listen to strange voices or read Blogs attacking our holy union of brothers! At our Kingdom Hall we stopped calling on stragglers who miss the Meeting, why bother wasting time with people who are not going to amount to anything in our spiritual society? I am emotionally void of any empathy to the "takers" that bring problems and burn up the time of our precious elders. It's time the Organization figures out who produces and places magazines, books and brings in new ones instead of wasting time on emotional and sick vampires draining us of our sanity. I can't give anymore and the thought of talking to the litter of the Kingdom has me taking more valium than ever. What's the best advice to avoid the majority of the publishers who don't publish but whine about their lot in life?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "What's the best advice to avoid the majority of the publishers who don't publish but whine about their lot in life?"

    Is there a way you can avoid yourself while you're riding around in your little yellow bus?

  • Satanus

    When i was in, i tended to follow the wt directions to be in the center of the flock. In other words, be where the stuff is happening. Where the growth is great, i was there, high speed king hall construction, i was there, early morning street work w the pioneers, i was there, coffee and donuts, i was there.

    Welcome back, btw. I can tell the assembly has moved you to action.


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Oh, Auntie Con I have missed you so!!! I know you have been hard at work and all, but...

    Please don't stay away again for too long!!

  • erbie

    In a way I kinda envy you for still believing it all and trying to enjoy it.

    I wish you luck.

    I had a head-on collision course with common sense and reason a long time ago so its too late for me.

    It must be a struggle now so I wish you the very best and joy if it is to be had.

  • clearpoison

    "What's the best advice to avoid the majority of the publishers who don't publish but whine about their lot in life?"

    It is very easy and actually built-in within the system of things. There are clear directives how to be afraid for those that are weaker in spirit, how you can consider them as marked and dangerous for your own spiritual welfare. It is just activating the shunning-mode and treat them like they were dead.

    This shouldn't be problem at all.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    She doesn't believe it, Erbie, that's the point. She's doing a parody.

  • PleiadesPoliceman

    Why did you delete the part of your thread mentioning the "Glass Lickers" on the little Yellow Bus? You said your husband enjoyed making or poking fun of the mentally challenged or mental retardation suffering citizens, you and your husband deserve each other!

    Julia if only you know the truth, this woman represents so many over-righteous men and woman who play the part of the pseudo Christian but their works demonstrate they are white-washed graves and children of Hell! I will not be taking her in my space ship to our Star System when she leaves this plane of existence, she will be on the fast-track train to Hell!

    I will ask Lars58 to expell all the demons that are infesting this evil demon or Connie Corban Legion!

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