by gilwarrior 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • gilwarrior

    I have reached a point where I am pissed off at everyone and everything. I have no friends. I don't know how to act in front of other people. Nothing I do, I find interesting. I hate everyone! I just see people and I hate them! I think that I am going to leave this forum for a while. If anyone wants to talk to me they can contact me at my e-mail address.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • noidea

    Gil..take a week off and come back! 's

  • LyinEyes

    Well, i dont think you are crazy, maybe lonely. If you lived close you could go out with me and hubby and dance all nite. At least you wouldnt have to think about life for just a little while. Sometimes we need to cut loose and have some fun. We deserve it!!!

  • gypsyqueen

    Hey, gil- I feel exactly the same. I'm currently just entering spiritual and social limbo. Due to an unfair 'scripural' divorce, I am seeking some hope and support. I have no family or children to get me through this. And as any good JW, I have no friends outside of my cong. I live in a somewhat isolated area so even if I felt safe enough to go out alone, there isn't anywhere to go. I contemplate suicide at least once a week. I know this isn't very encouraging. I have nothing in common with the cong. and after 11 years in the 'truth', I have nothing in common with anyone else! What do we do? :(

  • outcast

    gypsy and gil,

    I am sorry you are going through rough times right now. No one can tell you what to do to be happy. The cold reality is if you have to join the human race and work for it. I had a friend tell me once that he thought the JW's were the laziest people on earth, and I have to agree. We have been spoon fed everything to tell us how to be happy. And how many are or were?
    Or once we're in the new system, we will be happy. I use to wonder, how will that make me happy?
    When we have been told over and over people who have everything they want are still unhappy? (camel through an eye of a needle crap)

    I know for a fact you have to work hard at being happy.
    Now get off your lazy ex-witness rear ends!
    Get a hobby, join clubs, go back to school!
    or if all else fails,
    Go sit on a corner and hold up a sign. "I will work for friends."

    Good luck!

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