July 2013 Watchtower "Should You Trust Religion?"

by ilikecheese 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ilikecheese

    I read this article while I was looking at the other magazine you guys were talking about. They were being really stupid and generalizing about the other religions they were talking about again. My favorite bit was where someone was saying that they went to a church that passed the offering plate around three times and that they were expected to put money in it each time. Earlier, someone said that the church pastor wouldn't study the Bible with them and just told her to send money when she stopped going.

    Maybe I just haven't been around the block with churches, but does that happen ANYWHERE? Some churches I've gone to only pass the offering around on Sunday mornings, and most people don't put anything in there. If it is every service, it's only at the beginning, and no one gives a poo if you put money in. Plus, unless it's some broader organization, the money goes to the upkeep of the building, to pay the salaries of the few church employees, and to fund their food pantries/community outreaches/mission work/charities/etc. I've mostly gone to smaller churches, unaffiliated with any larger group, and they're fairly modest when it comes to their layout.

    So do they just basically make stuff like that up? I mean, I guess banning JWs from going to other churches would make it pretty difficult for the average person from finding out they're full of crap. Or am I just not going to the fancy pants churches with gold Bibles, silver pews, and pastors modeling the latest fashions from Milan?

  • unstopableravens

    they said they were appointed in `1919 they did not, point is if they lied about that would they be truthful about other religions??? i think not

  • alanv

    Like everything in JW land you only ever here half the story. Of course there are some churches that are money crazy, but many others who are totally spiritual and unmaterialstic.

    Just like there are some Kingdom Halls that talk more about money than others. Dont forget as well that JWs have several different contribution boxes that you are asked to contribute to if you can. Even providing cash machines at some assemblies apparantly.

  • Mum

    Both of my grandfathers were country preachers. I can assure you from their "lifestyle," they were not getting rich. My paternal grandfather did better financially than my maternal grandfather. My dad's side of the family is more "slick" than my mom's side.

    I have been to churches where the collection plate was passed three times. I have also been to churches where it is passed only once, and, in both cases, nobody pays any attention to whether someone else contributes.

    I was impressed by the lack of money grubbing when I started attending the KH in the '60's, but as time went on, much to my chagrin, that changed, and they started asking for money for specific things fairly regularly.

  • freckles12

    In the congregations I have been involved in the plate (or velvet pouch at the end of a bar) was passed once.

    On rare occasions it was passed a second time for special offering, for example missionaries who were going out of the country.

    Some of the churches were small but from their hearts they gave and felt good, it wasn't a duty.

    Some Churches as for a tithe (10%) which was more oof a goal. The monies were for the local congregation.

    anyone could go to the office secretary and get a copy of the year to date figures. Can you do that at a KH? From the elders?

  • kurtbethel

    When I was a lad I went to a Church of Christ. It is a pretty bland church as far as ornate trappings. There was a collection plate passed around once a week on Sunday. Money would appear in it but no one paid much attention to who or how much was being contributed. There was a board at the front with attendance and contribution numbers for the previous week and for the month. It has been the same at most churches I have attended. Some would have an extra offering now and then, others didn't.

    I will tell you one thing I never saw in any church. I never saw them have a brochure shaking you down for your stocks, investments, jewelry or real estate. A plate might get some pocket change, some bills and an occasional check, but that is chump change compared to the death shakedown would yield, so why are they criticizing that?

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body criticizes churches for accepting donations while they shake down members for investments real estate jewelry and other wealth

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