Did you work hard to get privileges within the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization...? Did you ever wanted to be a CO, DO or marry a CO or DO?

by suavojr 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • suavojr

    To later simply accept the sad fact that holy spirit had nothing to do with your selection

    Did you work hard to become a MS, Elder, pioneer?

    Did you try to become a CO or DO?

    How did you feel when you realized all the deceit and lies?

    Share some stories!!

    I personally worked hard to become a MS after loosing the position in 2004 and it took me 5 years and had to become a Regular Pioneer to get it back! Now I just want to drop everything...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I wanted to be an Elder.

    Then they found out my parents were married.

    I no longer qualified.

  • happy@last

    I never worked hard for privileges, I just worked hard because that's the type of person I am, and I was given them as a consequence, each time I was surprised.

  • metaspy

    I worked hard for all my responsibilities. Which is interesting because some do not. I knew one born in whose father was an elder he got positions in the congregation without any effort and it took 3 speeding tickets of 15 miles over before he got removed. Others were removed for just playing laser tag.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I never worked hard to become appointed as an MS. Appointments will vary from congregation to congregation. Some are appointed in the congregation where there's a real need for brothers. In the congregation where I was appointed, they had 5 elders & 2 MS, however, these men were aged and couldn't do much. When the elders said they wanted to meet with me to discuss my appointment I was shocked, because I had some resurging doubts about the WTBS.

    The congregation where I was appointed only required you to come to the meetings, make a couple comments, be friendly & do at least 9 hours of FS each month to be appointed...ofcourse, they were desperate for men in the Khall, because it's an aging congregation. I've never had a Bible Study in my life and usually gave others my RV's before I was fully awaken.

    The funny thing is that it's easier to get appointed than to step down or give up these "privileges"


    Kool Jo

  • suavojr

    Everything the WT does or say is for the survival of the organization and they love to promote from within. Men who are not considered a threat to the current leadership at any given congregation and men who are willing to say YES.

    Are you a YES man or woman??

    Judging by the replies I can tell you wanted out.

  • hoser

    I wanted to be an Elder.

    Then they found out my parents were married.

    I no longer qualified.

    took me a while to figure out but


  • suavojr

    wow DATA DOG! Your elders will not like you

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