Whats the origin of sin-offering?

by Cirkeline 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cirkeline

    Does anybody know when and where the practice of sin-offering originated? In Israel it was the practice of scape-goating and offering different animals on the alter which led to the sin offer of jesus christ. Was it practised in religions older than judaism and christianity?

  • FadeToBlack

    It seemed to be a common feature of almost all societies as they transitioned from hunter-gatherers to agrarian-based once the priests arrived on the scene. So yes, it was a practice that predated ancient Israel. Generally the idea was to appease the gods to insure a successful harvest. Blood was not always involved.

    Edit: Oh, sorry. I just noticed the 'sin-offering' part of the question. But I think the answer is still the same. Just a bit later, as religious concepts developed.

  • bohm

    Hey! How is it going with your daughters?

    I dont quite know how sin offerings differs from ordinary sacrifice, but wikipedia has some good links:


  • mP

    Interestngly scape goating also has astrological connection with Capricon the Goat the sign of the middle of winter in many cultures.

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