Isn`t GOD by whatever name you want to call " IT " guilty of the sin of Omission

by smiddy 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    In Gen 2:17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it,for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.

    Their are a number of points to consider here .

    1.Can we take the bible as the word of God ? Does he mean what he says ? Does he say what he means.? Human beings back then would have no concept of a day being anything longer than 24 hours , maybe only 12 hours .Their is no scripture at that time to think otherwise .

    2.God stated Adam would die on the day he ate from that tree ,obviously he didn`t ,so either God lied ,was mistaken, or didnt mean what he said.

    3.Or God doesn`t mean what he says , or God doesnt say what he means .

    4.Now to get to the point of "omission" of God. Their is nowhere in scripyure any indication that humans would suffer anything other than death if they disobeyed Gods warning.

    5.But what do the facts of history show? , all manner of afflictions plague man woman and child , covering life from birth till their death since Adams creation till the present day , and many, if not all of these afflictions you would not want your enemy to suffer.And many of these illnesses deprive humans of dignity and quality of life.

    6.Finally, by far, the majority of human beings on this planet would not tolerate 0.01% the magnitude of suffering that has afflicted humankind over the centuries , yet it doesn`t seem to bother God, what parent would tolerate seeing their offspring suffer for 1 minute before they would be compelled to intervene ,and stop it.

    7.Could it be that we imperfect humans are more moral/ethical/humanitarian, and with more empathy for us than God has ?


  • yadda yadda 2
  • villagegirl

    These are questions every religion and every philosophy, that includes a

    higher power, contemplates. God as an abstract. God as a creator

    but not intervening. Man as a thought, or a creation of his own thoughts.

    Spiritual intervention but not physical intervention.

    Then there is the explanation of Satan as having some control

    but not all control. There is the idea of the ongoing struggle

    between right and wrong, good and bad.

    Then there is the the idea of dimensions, as scientific,

    modern physics describes, namely, that we exist in several dimensions

    at once, and that all time past and present actually exist simultaneously.

    These are all existing theories, mathimatical explanations,

    and they exist in biblical explanations, and they exist alongside

    our own perceptions of reality, in this material universe as we percieve it.

    Our perceptions can be mostly beautiful, filled with light, or filled with darkness.

    Hope and love appear in unexplainable ways in unlikely circumstances and

    rescues take different forms. To live without hope, or without a sense

    of something beyond our understanding existing here, internally,

    and in the natural world, is too bleak an existance to be worthy

    of what we know to be true in spite of suffering. Joy in unlikely places.

    We experience demonstrations, in our conscieous and unconscious minds.

    Faith is the evident demonstration of realities, though not beheld.

    Faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.

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