Shun Run 2013 - Final Booster & Details

by rawe 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • rawe

    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome to the Shun Run 2013 – Show Love, Don't Shun. Every year thousands of individuals leave the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses. Although we have asked the leadership to consider softening their stance on extreme shunning it seems they've chosen the opposite course.

    In fact The Watchtower study for March 10, 2013 was an article entitled: LET NOTHING DISTANCE YOU FROM JEHOVAH .

    Paragraph 17 acknowledged the pain shunning causes in a family, when it said:

    It is normal, therefore, to be deeply grieved when a beloved family member leaves Jehovah. “I was devastated,” says one sister whose daughter was disfellowshipped. “I wondered, ‘Why did she leave Jehovah?’ I felt guilty, and I blamed myself.”

    Here a grieved mother wonders why her daughter would make such a choice, yet the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses demand she not take logical step of asking her directly. Rather Jehovah's Witnesses demand a “resolute stance” against the former member, that includes having no contact, even through e-mail!

    Really, what your beloved family member needs to see is your resolute stance to put Jehovah above everything else —including the family bond. . . .Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.

    The West Phoenix and Chandler Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses meetup groups are happy to be hosting a public awareness event to bring attention to these cruel family-dividing policies. Our event is primarily intended to be of encouragement to all who have left the faith or considering this option. There is life beyond Jehovah's Witnesses and although shunning is painful it is possible to cope.

    Please plan on arriving at the west parking lot of Papago Park by about 11:55am on Sunday, March 24, 2013. From the south side you turn off of E Van Buren St onto N Galvin Pkwy. The first left off N Galvin Pkwy will bring you to the west parking lot. We will leave at noon heading north on the east Double Butte Loop trail #5, keeping right until it takes you around the Butte, over to the fence by the golf course and back to the parking lot. It should take about 50 minutes to walk. For those planning on running it is 2.3 miles of relatively flat dirt trail. Bring the normal summer time supplies of water, sun screen and at hat.

    When we get back to the Ramada we will unroll our 6' x 3' Shun Run 2013 banner for picture taking. If you do not wish to have your picture taken, please let us know – we understand!

    Our combined meetup will then convene at the Burton Bar Public Library. The address is: 1221 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ. Our meeting will be held in the Lecture Room on the fourth floor.

    Our meetup is not like an assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses. We are not concerned about up-holding the “image” of an “organization.” Our speakers will speak from the heart and share their unique perspectives. Expect to be informed and moved by the real story of what it is like to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, discover the awful truth about the truth, then make the painful decision to leave.

    Randy – Welcome – 2:00 to 2:05 ( 5 min )

    Jonathan – Why being one of Jehovah's Witnesses was the best thing that ever happened to me. - 2:05 to 2:17 ( 12 min )

    Elizabeth – Shunning -- Impact and coping. 2:17 to 2:29 ( 12 min )

    Matthew – Matters of life and death – 2:29 to 2:36 ( 7 min )

    Christine – Role of “Sisters” – 2:36 to 2:43 ( 7 min )

    Curtis – Leaving the One True Church – 2:43 to 2:55 ( 12 min )

    Randy – In Conclusion – 2:55 to 3:00 ( 5 min )

    I hope as many as possible are able to support the event.



  • lisaBObeesa

    awesome! Wish I could be there...or at least 'like' it on facebook to help spread the word...does the Shun Run have a facebook page?

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi rawe, Ditto what lisaBObeesa wrote. If you don't have a Facebook page, will you create one so that you can post pictures of people having fun while protesting a heinous practise of dangerous cults like the WTBTS?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • rawe

    Hi Robert,

    I'm the organizer of the Chandler, AZ Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses meetup and we don't have a FB page (we're on However, the West Phoenix group does, so I will pass along that suggestion. I have a FB account, but keep my posts about the faith fairly neutral out of respect for a few extended family members who are in the faith.



  • ABibleStudent

    Hi rawe, Have you thought of creating an anonymous email account and then creating a Facebook account with your anonymous email account? After creating an email acccount with a name like ShunRun (or PhoenixShunRun), using a first name nickname that you usually don't use, and the last initial of your last name, you create a Facebook account with the anonymous email account. I created a gmail account nodangerousorgs as Rob M. It would be very difficult for anyone to figure out who I am.

    Best of wishes for a successful and fun Shun Run 2013.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • rawe

    Hi Robert,

    I most often post on the yuku ex-jw forum than here. When I decided to share my life story, one of the things I did was use my real name. Since then I've been operating in that mode. Thus in the letters I've sent to SDB:SSY (the otherwise anonymous JW at HQs who wrote me) I signed off with my full name and post that. Not all ex-Witnesses are in a position to do that of course, so I do feel fortunate that I can. It can give folks who might want to join our Chandler meetup group confidence about who they are meeting. So... having decide that, I wouldn't want to reverse towards an anonymous approach, but it does mean I self-impose a few limits on what I do on FB.

    Your post does remind me, that I need to shoot an email over to the other organizer with your suggestion. I'll do that after this post.



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