Dear Prudie comments on JWs (?)

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    From I think it's pretty safe to assume that the letter-writer is referring to JWs, unless it's Mormons. I liked the sentence in the response that begins: "It has always interested Prudie..."

    Dear Prudence,
    My question is simple: How do I politely but firmly put an end to a certain pair of religious solicitors who visit my house every few months? I've tried being rude, truthful, and just plain lying to get them to leave. They keep showing up. I am very comfortable in my religious orientation and have tried using that angle as well. I know these people are pests to a lot more people than just me. I appreciate what they're trying to do, but they need to respect my wishes as well. What's up?

    —Hiding From the Doorbell

    Dear Hide,
    Alas, the time has come for no more Mr. Nice Guy—or in your case, Mrs. It is hard to believe that the same pair of pushy clods continues to try their luck, but if this is the case, the next time they ring your bell, try one of the following. If you see them from the window, ignore the bell. If you open the door, tell them they have very poor memories—then close the door. If they hound you some more, call the police and inform them that unwelcome solicitors are disturbing your peace and trespassing. It has always interested Prudie, who has dealt with these pests herself, that their hierarchy has not figured out that for every person willing to listen to a front-door spiel, probably a hundred are annoyed. Religion is not something to be sold door-to-door. Fuller brushes are.


  • Francois

    Never mind all that foolin' around. Next time you see 'em coming, call the cops and tell them you have tresspassers on your property and you're getting out your gun (that will make the cops hurry).

    If they get to your door before the cops show up, open your door and ask them to wait. Then disappear till the constabulary shows up. Then you can explain to the cops in the presence of the interlopers how you have asked they not return and here they are again.

    You can also ask to be put on their "no call" list.

    Good luck


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