Convention Cartoon

by freemindfade 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    I just talked to a local JW and they said it wasn't shown in their hall.

    Is this only being shown just before a DC?

  • sd-7

    Okay, finally got around to watching this video. The intended audience is clearly adults, right? I mean, right? It's a clever way to get the information across without boring people to death with an entire Service Meeting part on it, so I'll credit them on that. (They'll still have that boring Service Meeting part, I'm sure.)

    But the implications here--so they expect JWs to dress as if they're literally at the convention the entire time?? Ha ha! I never did that. It's freaking a hundred degrees outside and I'm going to sit around in my dress clothes all night after I sat around in them all day? HA HA HA HA HA! Go flock yourself. You have no Biblical basis for those orders, so I felt perfectly free to ignore them even as a JW. Oh, and remember the day's text this week about God being impartial and seeing more than the outward appearance? So much for that!

    Still trying to figure out who would want to be waiting outside the convention at 7:50 a.m. After driving half the day to get there, I'd be lucky to wake up before 7, much less be there before 8.

    Sadly, I actually did enjoy the program when I believed in it--though I found certain things they said to be a bit extreme--but the process of getting there made the whole thing a pain in the behind. I was always too tired to enjoy it anyway. I did occasionally notice when they cut and paste whole paragraphs straight from Watchtower articles. Why not just reread the old magazines and save your money?

    Well, thanks for sharing it. It's nothing worth commenting much on, the cartoon, I mean. I actually think it's better than how they usually present this same information every flocking year.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Still trying to figure out who would want to be waiting outside the convention at 7:50 a.m. After driving half the day to get there, I'd be lucky to wake up before 7, much less be there before 8.

    Normally, I'd just try to get there about a half hour before it started. Only a couple of conventions did I have to get there really early before the doors officially opened because I was an attendant or sound duty. It was weird that there were maybe a couple of hundred that were lined up before the doors were opened. Maybe a handful were nutty enough to run and get into shoving matches to get a particular front aisle seat or something. And some of them totally freaked out because they saw that some attendants and others in departments that had to be there early had already saved some seats for their families.

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