
by goddidit 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • goddidit

    I'm thinking of building a website to allow anyone to add tags and notes to multiple bibles.

    For instance, a subscriber could tag all the verses that mention X so they are easy to hand when trying to argue through creationist lies about X (e.g slavery).

    The tags, and other annotations could be public so others could use them. Eventually, each version would be highly annotated. Tags/notes could be shared between different versions of the bible.

    I'd be very interested to hear your ideas of what else might be helpful. The main purpose is to help us all highlight the lies and deceptions of religion.

    It seems the NWT has copyright restrictions. Is that true?

  • ABibleStudent

    Have you visited I would check it out before you build your website.

    By the way do you consider all religions deceptive or just the ones that are Dangerous Cults and use BITE control techniques to victimize their members? If you are just trying to confront members of Dangerous Cults, your idea will not help when confronting members of Dangerous Cults that are Jewish, Muslim, or some non-Christian religion.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • goddidit

    I've seen that yes. Also is a good one.

    I haven't done much research yet but haven't seen a site that does what I described, though I'm sure there must be one.

    Hopefully, someone on here will come up with some good ideas to make it great. Anyone?

  • jgnat

    Make it a wiki.

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