After reading Raymond Franz's book Crisis of Conscience, it occurred to me how valuable a packet of only WT publications containing the truth about the truth would be. Many we want to reach of our loved ones would never believe something online or in a book. But if you could order or download a packet made just of WT publications, you could reach them maybe. It would need all the historical stuff and the letters too with Malawi and Mexico contrasts. Thoughts?
WTBS publication only TTATT packet
by Comatose 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Most jws won't believe photo copies. Even originals pose problems. The elders I met with would not even touch the photo copies I made for them... nor would they touch the original books I brought with me. I had original books going back to the turn of the 20th century.
Hmmmm... If you used info on Russell not being given special insight with proof of N H Barbour etc and old pubs I'd like to think you'd have a tiny chance. Even if it was just as a soft way to finally break it all to your spouse when the time was right.
Scary how hard to reach they are.
One lady who awakened to TTATT tried to show her husband the PDF of the late 60’s Awake, “Is It Later Than You Think?”—a classic in regard to 1975. He refused saying that a PDF could be “doctored by apostates”. Eventually she tried to show him this Awake in the original bound volume—he refused to look at it.
That is mind control. A person sufficiently who is far gone enough won’t even look at it, even if it came hot off the press from Wallkill.
Don't confuse me with the facts
I had a set of Studies in the scriptures embossed in gold with the winged sphere on the cover. I had a book on Egyptian History which had pictures of the winged sphere, identifying it as the sun god RA.
I put them side by side and showed my x husband. He got up off his chair and literally ran out the door.
If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.
That sounds good in theory, but as others have said, a fully-indoctrinated witness will have some reason for it to be wrong. Either it's been changed by apostates or it's made up or it's old light. I don't think many witnesses now really care about anything that happened last century, especially things that don't directly or even indirectly affect them. They've got to be doubting it already to even consider the idea that there is a possibility the WTBTS could be very slightly possibly wrong. 'New Light' sure does cover a lot of reversals and inconsistencies! x
In one of my meetings with the Elders, two of them asked me how they could be sure I hadn't altered one of the books I'd shown them.
In virtual disbelief I said: "Because it's your book; you watched me walk over to your bookshelves and remove it..."