JW's and cigars (research thread)

by wallsofjericho 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallsofjericho

    I feel like I have never had a satisfactory answer on this.

    My experience has been that there has never been a solid stance by the WTS on cigars.

    I do not have the CD-ROM installed right now but for a long time I could not find a definitve statement against cigar smoking. I did find an article from a few years back that commented it gave you stained teeth and bad breath, but I can hardly see how these are DF'ing offenses. This would rule coffee for sure and a whole host of foods that do this also.

    Does anyone have the CD-ROM installed and are able to dig up some info? Any elders here deal with this on any JC's?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    misuse of tobacco is their catch all phrase...

  • wallsofjericho

    I don't misuse it, I just smoke it. No inhaling with cigars.

  • wallsofjericho
  • wannabefree
  • BluesBrother

    They view it as the same as smoking cigarettes, or chewing tobacco . Back in the fifties and early sixties it was frowned upon but tolerated. Then it was made a d/f offense. I remember delivering the talk on it one Thursday meeting. I have sat on more commities that d/f'd people for smoking, than any other offense

    The last time I looked Freeminds.com had experiences of dubs who lost their livelyhood due to that ruling

  • RayPublisher

    I've wondered about this also. When I first was leaving the JWs I got a cigar and puffed on it and thought OMG this is so sinful but it was actually fun bc it had a great taste and was "forbidden". But if no inhaling occurs and very little damage is done to your body then they really don't have a Biblical leg to stand on.

    I read that article by the MD and personally can't swallow the argument that it is just as harmful as cigarette smoking. Most smokers dont do just ONE cigarette but many in a day. Cigars are usually just a once in a while thing so the amount smoked would generally be radically less. And at the end of the article he concedes that there is usually way less consumption with cigars, thereby invalidating most of his argument IMO.

    My friend Greybeard got called up on the phone awhile back by an elder that said they wanted to meet with him regarding his "apostate leanings". He ripped the guy apart verbally and one of the things he said was,

    "You guys DF people for smoking bc it's harmful to your body. Well your belly is enormous, you are huge and you are OBESE and that is way more harmful to your body than if a person was to smoke a few cigarettes!" (It was kinda mean but true he is a very heavy guy)

    So it is a good, logical point he made. But since when is the WT logical? Mainly it goes back to appearances with the JWs, so as to "not give a bad Witness" and that's what they would use as a reasoning point to try and "help you see the light". If you don't see WT light, then of course they will DF you in short order for chomping a stogey.

  • wallsofjericho
    "You guys DF people for smoking bc it's harmful to your body. Well your belly is enormous, you are huge and you are OBESE and that is way more harmful to your body than if a person was to smoke a few cigarettes!" (It was kinda mean but true he is a very heavy guy)

    This has always been a point that I have made. I also disagree that cigars are as bad as cigarettes, this would only be true if you inhaled the cigars. Yes you will get a bit of smoke but accidentally inhaling a puff or two off one cigar a week (or month or year) is vastly different than smoking a pack a day of cigarettes. That article (and others similar I have read) are equivocating the smoke, while the smoke off both may be similar in toxicity, act of smoking cigars/cigarettes is completely different to the extent that this type of argument is invalid.

    The non smoker 300lbs big mac eating, red-faced walking heart attack, is treating his "temple" with honor but i have a cigar on the golf course 4 or 5 times a year so Jehovah is going to murder me at Armageddon?

    What about the guy that drinks diet cola & chews sugar free gum? So he can drink aspartame and zero calorie chemicals and that is treating his "temple" with honor?

    I think if cigars are a DF'ing offense then aspartame should be a DF'ing offense and so should whoppers and big macs and fish & chips. Then lets see what all these donut-eating-big-mac-eatiing-fat-fuck elders say about having a few cigars a year.

  • DesirousOfChange


    You are trying to reason on the health risks (or lack of) on smoking cigars (ala Bill Clinton--no inhaling) with a group of men who condemn blood transfusion even when it would be the only life-saving solution.

    Try something more productive: Pound your head against a rock wall. Instead of only frustration, you should at least also feel PAIN.

    Likely easier to resolve the pain issue than the frustration issue.


  • Lore
    misuse of tobacco

    Like grinding it into a paste and injecting it into your ear?

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