Sunday talk (4/26/15): Malawi persecution experiences

by StarTrekAngel 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StarTrekAngel

    So this Sunday we arrived at the meeting late. Like towards the very end of the public talk. Local elder delivered the talk. Noticed a weird thing going on, for the past 5 Sundays, our public talk has been delivered by a different local elders. We have not had a visitor in over a month.

    Anyway, back to the subject at hand. As we enter the KH, the elder was relating experiences of beatings, after dark border crossings and military oppressions. I was waiting to see what country this was in reference to. He finally mentioned Malawi as the country where all this persecution was happening. It was obvious he was relating experiences written in the yearbooks.

    As I sat there listening, my wonder was mounting up by the minute, as many of the elders and even regular brothers in our cong are Mexicans. Such of age that lived in Mexico during those years. I kept wondering...

    - How many of them are thinking "I got away by bribing the local officials at the time"

    - How is it that they could not do the same

    - But at the end, were they even listening.

    Not too long ago, we interviewed one of the sisters. She was asked to provide details on what it was like to be a JW in Mexico during those years. She related to us how they would go preaching without a bible and how they would not sing or pray during meetings. No one seemed to think this was wrong or that they should have done it even in the face of death.

  • steve2
    Double standards are necessary to aid survival. So much for the power of the holy spirit to aid survival.
  • Oubliette

    Everyone loses when they follow a cult.

    The Malawi were foolish to trust the WT leadership, and the Mexicans look like cowards for not being martyrs.

    Everyone loses.

    Tragic. Needless. Totally unnecessary ...

    Let's review: It's a cult

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, and now in Chile the kingdom halls fly national flags in order to keep the govt happy!!

    So much for neutrality!!!

  • Giordano
    Stuckinarut how about they fly the flags in the KH to save their investment in the Hall. Catholic church did the same thing with Hitler in that they co-operated with him so their property wasn't confiscated. That was why Rutherford was trying to cozy up to Hitler and told him in a letter that the WT had no use for the Jews.. Your right so much for neutrality!
  • Marvin Shilmer
  • ducatijoe

    WOW! I was an Elders for many years. I just looked up and read the letter from Judge Rutherford to Hitler.

    Amazing... No wonder the "New WBTS" wants to distance them self from him and Russel.

    No way God speaks through the GB of today. Its just like any other cult. I want a refund!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle
    Thank you Marvin Shilmer.

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