Girl Scouts

by MoeJoJoJo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Does anyone know what JW's have against Girl Scouts? My mother would never buy girl scout cookies and I was always taught to feel that joining the girl or boy scouts would be wrong but never knew why.
    My daughter wants to join and I want to know what I can expect to hear from my JW family.

  • KistByQpid

    Good question. Maybe because it is cram packed with "worldly" people? The girl scouts have four goals: deveolpment of self potential, relations with others, development of values and contributing to society. Doesn't sound too horrible to me. When I was a girl, I LOVED was a blast. We learned useful things, made friends and had fun.

    I feel so blessed that my mom didn't get into the JW thing when I was a kid! I understand what your saying about family "opinion" though.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Bloody good question MoeJo....I always wanted to join Girl Guides and I can't remember what my mother's reasoning was. We used to buy the girl guild biscuits/cookies though...but joining up was another story...probably because of bad association etc. The same reason why I couldn't join "anything" outside of school as a kid. So Not Fair!!


  • bboyneko

    Girlscouts and boyscouts are christian organizations with thinly veiled religious 'values' such as barring of homosexuals from being a scout.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Yes I know the fam. will gasp at us allowing our daughter to be in the company of such "horrible" "worldly" association.
    But I thought maybe it was something more than just the association thing.
    Beck, the buying of g.s. cookies was a definite no-no for us. And I know of others who would not buy them.
    I think it will be a good experience for my daughter. I know though that sooner or later it will get back to the family.

    So bb, are you saying g.s. & b.s. were started by a church or religion?

  • KistByQpid


    Here is a link that might answer some of your questions.

  • DakotaRed

    I can't speak for the Girl Scouts, but when growing up, I was a Boy Scout.

    My guess is that the dubs don't care much for the military aspect and Christian aspect that they teach. Their motto, Do A Good Deed Daily, doesn't entail knocking on doors pushing quasi religious literature on an unspuspecting homeowner.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Hey, thanks for the link Kist! It helped alot.
    I see they do encourage patriotism.
    Guess the family will just have to get over it.
    Oh well, if the WTBTS can be a NGO in association with the UN then I see nothing wrong with my daughter being a girl scout.

  • VioletAnai

    My mum didn't have a prob with buying fund-raising choccy's and the such (we don't have girl scouts in the u.s sense of it). She never let me participate in the collection however or attend camps, dances, social days, the odd excursion....I forgot how boring my childhood was!

    The excuse: Putting trust in worldy organisations to fix the world's problems when we should be relying on Jehovah's coming kingdom to do so. So I get the guilts everytime I buy a guide-doggy, Amnesty International, Child Protection and Think Kids, Canteen or Cancer fund raising item. But I don't think we should just sit and wait to have our problems fixed, otherwise there'd be a lot more misery than there already is! So, I contribute to the causes that have affected me, my family and my friends.

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

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