New iphone 5 reminds me of JW

by bobld 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Many are looking forward to the new iphone 5 after awhile they will be disappointed.

    Just like JW always looking forward to a new release at D.C. only to be disappointed.

    They always look for some new thing.You see new always intrigues but never satisfies.

  • loading

    I thought you were going to say the new iphone 5 reminds me of JWs because they have a new model (teaching) out every year

  • konceptual99

    I have to disagree. The iPhone5 may not be a whizz bang product with loads of changes but why does it need to be? It has been doing what it does very well for years and has spawned loads of copies that overall do not really give you anything better. The only competing product in terms of style, quality, operation ease etc is the galaxy s3. For example, Apple have managed improve things like screen size without compromising backwards compatibility. You ask any android developer how they cope with the plethora of screen sizes and resolutions and it's a nightmare.

    So to bring the analogy back to the dubs... Apple innovated. When did the wts ever innovate? Apple found an interface that worked and stuck with it. Has the wts stuck with a theology that works for its "users"? Apple spend ages in r&d - trying to find the right combination of tech and usability. The wts spends ages designing new light but never something that is really beneficial. Apple may not have some of the features of other phones such as the tech for contactless payments but you can bet when they do it will not compromise the form of the product. By contrast the WTS are always looking for ways of standing out from everyone else that just burden the bulk of the congregation.

    The only area that I can see apple and the wts being similar in is the level of control they want to exercise over their product and consumers. Apple is notoriously bad at being open and I think we all know another org that is pretty similar....

  • vivalavida

    Wouldn't you call the new Generation doctrine "innovation"?



    Apple f***ed Open Source.

    So did the WTBT.

  • DaCheech

    What's Siri gonna think when you dump her for a newer younger model?

  • DaCheech

    Konceptual, I disagree...........

    I own a Evo, a Evo 4gLTE, and a Iphone 4s (right now as we speak)................. the evo's kick ass (only Siri is better)

  • DaCheech

    In the past 6 years, I have never has a Evo charger go bad.............. I'm changing Iphone, Ipad charger every 2 months (they break at the wide connector)

  • bobld

    Sorry,I did not say it correctly.

    What I meant is people are looking forward to get a new iphone and

    when they do,they will use it 24/7,examine it inside out.Bragg to friends.

    And will be talking endless on it or watch movies etc.

    When JW get or got the new releases at this years D.C. did they

    talk about them or just scan thru the books and now they are collecting dust.

    Did any JW watch their great awesome dvd of that stupid magic character.what was his name.

    You know what Iam saying.

  • DaCheech

    Siri.............. can you find Sparlock!

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