Armaggedon Nightmares

by perfect1 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • perfect1

    From time to time I have an apocalyptic nightmare, which I attribute to the WT doctrines being planted in my head from birth.

    Recently, I dreamed I was standing in a skyscraper in NYC when a flying metal sphere came into my hands. From the window I could see the city was exploding- (looking south towards lower Manhattan) The metal sphere was a homing device for the missiles as well as camera which was observing- anyway I grabbed it and decided that as it was directing the attack, the attack would end with me. so I held it up at the window where I could see the city being destroyed- flames, explosions, orange grey- and as I did the missiles headed my way. Everyone in the building was screaming and eventually I was being dragged away along a wall although I could no longer see at all, and I knew we would all die in a matter of moments.

    Then I woke up.

    That was a few days ago but I can't quite shake the sights or the absolute evil of the metal sphere device.

    Anyone else have end of the world nightmares?

    All the cult books says its a side effect.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Darling perfect1, you my dear, have my greatest empathy as I too suffer with nightmares related directly to my whole life being in the borg. Others here also have them. Some also have sleep paralysis, which can seem to a semi-conscious mind to be a demon attack. I don't know if you or I or anyone else here with this problem will overcome them but...knowing why they are happening, and with sleep paralysis, what is happening does give you a small weapon to try to talk to your mind about what just occured.

    T he more I read about 'our' collective harrowing experience with the WTBTS, the more I begin to think some (myself, for sure) have classic symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, especially if being a born-in or an almost born-in. Mental help may be in order.

    perfect1-you a definitely not alone.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I had them growing up as a JW, as an adult JW and since I've left.

    Usually, it's the city dream we see in the publications. Buildings are falling on me and my family and we're screaming for Jehovah to save us. I've also dreamt many many times that Argmaggedon was in progress and I lose my voice (therefore, can't call on Jehovah to save me) and I struggle to breath.

    Until I exited the cult, I never knew it was abnormal to have such dreams.

    So sad.

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