Free 'child abuse tips' for Jehovah Witness legal team.

by Sol Reform 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Sol Reform
    Sol Reform

    No Leaders Are Above Justice in Abuse Cases

    Posted on July 6, 2012 by stanshinn

    Two recent high-profile sex abuse trials have ended with landmark rulings. Society has spoken clearly: neither public figures or church leaders are above justice when crimes against children are involved.

    First, serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky was convicted on 45 of the 48 charges brought against him. The famous former assistant football coach at Penn State was charged with molesting and raping at least 10 boys over a period of years. While many of Sandusky's friends defended this sports leader when the scandal first hit, victims of many abusers nationwide can now find some catharsis from the justice served in such a public case.

    Second, a jury ruled that Monsignor William Lynn was guilty of child endangerment, making him the first U.S. church official convicted for covering up abuse claims. This Roman Catholic church leader now faces 3 1/2 to 7 years in prison for his part in endangering a boy who was sexually assaulted by a Roman Catholic priest in 1999.

    What makes both these cases so notable is that they collectively demonstrate a shift both in society's awareness and in the court's actions. Increasingly our society is willing to see justice served despite the immunities often enjoyed by celebrity figures and church leaders - two groups which often have gained unfair exemptions in the court of public opinion.

    Historically, religious leaders have been fond of citing 1st Amendment rights to claim immunity from prosecution in abuse cases. In the Monsignor Lynn case, the court did not buy this tired argument. Religious officials in all faith communities are expected to take reasonable action to protect children, including the often ignored mandate to report sexual abuse claims to law enforcement.

    Sadly, church leaders often choose to protect predator priests while scorning abuse victims and marginalizing those who speak out about sex crimes inside the church.

    Church leaders need to take three simple, proven steps to prevent abuse and help heal those already abused:

    1. First, report all abuse claims to law enforcement.
    2. Second, stop supporting predators and remove all credibly accused clergy from positions of trust.
    3. Third, aggressively reach out to anyone who may have been victimized and offer them help.

    A new day is dawning for abuse victims. Anyone who has seen, suspected, or suffered clergy abuse crimes should come forward, get help and call the police. Public figures and church leaders have no immunity; justice and healing are now a real possibility for abuse survivors.


    Stan Shinn

    Stan Shinn holds two theology degrees, edits an Orthodox News website at and worships at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Dallas, TX. His email is [email protected].

  • DesirousOfChange

    So much for the Candace Conti case bringing notoriety to the WTS.

  • Refriedtruth

    I sent the article author a heads up on Jehovah's Witnesses pedophile and child abuse history.

    BTW- I contact and whistle-blower network with an average of +150,reporters,authors,legal teams a month on Watchtower abuse and corruption.

    Hello Watchtower I inflict a lot of your damage and I am not the only one......

  • Sol Reform
    Sol Reform

    1. Consult with at least one child abuse expert in developing policies

    6. Don't investigate - report


    7. Needless to say, it will be difficult to regulate a sex offender in the church if the committee charged with his oversight also includes a sex offender.

  • Tylinbrando


  • Sol Reform
    Sol Reform

    All communities are scarred by the destructive evils of child abuse. In fact, the rate of child abuse in the United States is ten times the rate of cancer. Studies show that: 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused as children. Yet sadly the Christian community has largely ignored the sin of child sexual abuse and its prevalence within the Church. Even more disheartening: The evangelical church has often unwittingly contributed to the suffering of victims because of its failure to protect children and adequately respond to disclosures of sexual abuse. Additionally, the Christian community often overlooks the many needs of those within their congregations who are adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Child abuse eats away at one’s faith. There is no doubt that child abuse profoundly impacts a child’s faith. This spiritual damage is often compounded by the inadequate response of the Christian community. As a result, many survivors of child abuse flee the church, wanting nothing to do with God. Child abuse spreads like cancer in the Body of Christ. Everyone knows you don’t just cut out a cancer and trust that good health will continue. Rather, doctors study the cancer to be sure of its nature, they scan the body for signs of its spread, they put patients on an action plan for continued health with possible treatments and follow-up care. But leaders and workers inside the Christian community are often ill-equipped to understand how offenders operate and how children experience abuse. They don’t know how to protect children from experienced abusers; they don’t recognize the signs of abuse; they don’t know how to measure the scope of the abuse; nor do they know how to effectively respond to abuse disclosures. Today, over 60 million survivors of child abuse are living in the United States, many of whom are sitting in our churches and attending our Christian schools.
    Dear Supporter: GRACE wants to send you a free copy of our upcoming minibook, Protecting Children from Abuse in the Church: Steps to Prevent and Respond. This helpful resource offers practical advice for educating and training the Christian community to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse in a manner that confronts evil and demonstrates great compassion for the hurting. We pray this book will be a blessing to you and your church as you work to love and protect His little ones. To receive your free copy of this minibook, simply reply to this email and provide us with your name and mailing address. Boz Tchividjian Executive Director, GRACE
    Stay Connected
    GRACE | | [email protected] |
    4026 Wards Road
    Lynchburg, VA 24502
  • Sol Reform
    Sol Reform

    Keeping children safe when they are not with you

    A child-safe organisation will: • Be preventative rather than reacting to incidents after they occur. • Have clear boundaries and guidelines set for the behaviour of all staff and children. • Be open to people outside the organisation raising questions, comments and concerns. • Have adequate staff supervision and training, including an awareness of child protection.

    Feeling ‘safe’ is unique to each child. When inspecting an organisation it is important that both you and your child feel comfortable and safe in the environment. Encourage children to express their feelings, tell you when they feel safe or unsafe, and where possible, why. Children need to feel cared for and valued both within and outside of the home environment through: • How they are treated. • How they are encouraged to find and use their voice, and reach their potential. The safer children feel emotionally, physically and psychologically, the greater the chance they will tell you if they feel uncomfortable or if they are being mistreated at the organisation or at home.

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