Read first 7 chapters of "combatting cult mind control" today

by Lied2NoMore 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lied2NoMore

    Hard to believe this book wasn't written by an ex-JW. Parallels are astounding! I'm anxious to read if there are suggestions to help open minds of my wife and child. For now I exist with a fully awake mind but any criticism of Dub-cult reinforces their resolve to stay committed. And to top off got to suffer thru the DC this week. I'm gonna have to make lots of bathroom trips and bring a flask, take naps, and walk off back pain and leg cramps! Anyone interested in a recording of DC ? Ha!

  • leavingwt

    Glad you're enjoying it.

    His new book has suggestions for meaningful reactions with friends and family. It's called 'Freedom of Mind'.

  • Paralipomenon

    While similar I found that the content dealt with entities far more controlling than the Watchtower.

    I was a bit disheartened when I got to the part about how to help someone joining a cult. It seemed writtend from the aspect of a family trying to help a wayward child or parent. There was not much advice I could apply being that my parents have been Witnesses since before I was born and their entire friend group are Witnesses. Other than my sister and I, the immediate family are Witnesses as well.

    I do realize that I handled my "leaving the WT" conversation wrong and I could have done it differently, perhaps with more positive results

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