2013 CA and SAD programs released. More Safegaurd your mind control stuff.

by darthweef 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthweef

    Special Assembly Day of
    Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Program 2012-2013
    Safeguard Your Conscience —1 Tim. 1:19.

    Morning Session
    9:50 10:00
    10:15 10:30
    10:55 11:05
    11:35 12:05
    Music Song No. 71 and Prayer
    Why Your Inner Voice Needs Safeguarding
    How to Train Your Conscience
    “Clean From the Blood of All Men”—How So?
    Song No. 107 and Announcements
    Is Your Conscience Truly Guided by Bible Principles?
    Dedication and Baptism Song No. 60
    Afternoon Session
    1:20 Music
    1:30 Song No. 43
    1:35 Experiences
    1:45 Summary of The Watchtower
    2:15 Do Not Wound the Conscience of Your Brother!
    2:30 Young Ones Who Bear Up Under Grievous Things
    2:45 Song No. 115 and Announcements 2:55 Follow Your Spirit-Directed Conscience 3:55 Song No. 65 and Prayer

    Circuit Assembly of
    Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Program 2012-2013
    Safeguard Your Mind
    —Matt. 22:37.

    Music Song No. 119 and Prayer
    Think God’s Thoughts, Not Man’s
    Theocratic Ministry School
    Song No. 114 and Announcements
    Lifting the Veil That Blinds the Mind
    Dedication and Baptism
    Song No. 63


    1:20 Music
    1:30 Song No. 29
    1:35 Experiences
    1:45 Symposium: Keep This Mental Attitude
    - Readiness of Mind
    - Lowliness of Mind
    - Oneness of Mind
    - Soundness of Mind

    2:45 Song No. 115 and Announcements
    2:55 Meditation That Safeguards the Mind
    3:25 Who Molds Your Thinking?
    3:55 Song No. 69 and Prayer

    Music Song No. 70 and Prayer
    Feed Your Mind at Jehovah’s Table Each Day
    Symposium: Reflect the Mind of Christ
    in Your Family
    ? Husbands, Continue Loving Just as Christ Loved
    ? Wives, Appreciate Your Value in God’s Eyes ? Parents, Bring Up Your Children in the
    “Mental-Regulating of Jehovah”
    ? Young Ones, Make the Truth Your Own
    Song No. 83 and Announcements
    Summary of The Watchtower
    Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit
    Song No. 55

    1:30 Music
    1:40 Song No. 121 and Prayer
    1:50 Public Address: Keep Close in Mind Jehovah’s Day!
    2:20 Song No. 32 and Announcements
    2:30 “Brace Up Your Minds for Activity”
    3:00 Let the Peace of God Guard Your Mental Powers
    3:30 Song No. 76 and Prayer

    Listen for the Answers to These Questions:
    1. How can we avoid thinking ‘man’s thoughts’?
    2. How can we help lift the veil that blinds the minds of unbelievers?
    3. What mental attitude do we want to have?
    4. What are the benefits of proper meditation?
    5. How can we allow Jehovah to mold our thinking?
    6. How can husbands, wives, parents, and children contribute to family happiness?
    7. How can we be ready for Jehovah’s day?
    8. What does it mean to brace up our minds for activity?
    9. What benefit comes to those who apply what they learn?

  • baltar447

    Sounds positively barf-tastic!!!

  • blondie

    A lot of mind control going on, still going on.

  • Gayle

    Thanks Darthweef,,same old same old obviously.

    side note::: also, I see they do baptisms at SADs and CAs,,just wondering why on a news report, the article states that baptisms opportunity is 'twice a year' versus 3xs a yr? http://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/news/2012/jul/07/jehovahs-witness-convention-held-in-duluth/ Designed for the entire family, the weekend is devoted to spiritual teachings and is one of only two opportunities a year for congregants to be baptised. ???

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow. They're not even TRYING to hide it.

    Do they pass the kool aid out before or after the last song?

  • smiddy

    Aren`t these programs based on material that was presented in assemblys/ conventions 50 years ago ?


  • 3rdgen

    @Smiddy, yes.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Groan. Three days of life totally wasted.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Where's Jesus in all this? It's always the same...always about the organisation and strengthening your membership in it.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    SMIDDY/3RDGEN - so you think this is a rehash of 50-year-old material? I was kind of stunned how culty/mind controll-y it was - seems pretty desperate.

    Unless I'm just way wore sensitive than I used to be. . .

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