A Wonderfully Designed Animal Kingdom...Don't you mean Re designed?

by ThomasCovenant 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant

    I have some Jehovah's Witness relatives that, whenever the opportunity arises, point out the marvels of design 'evident' in the plant and animal kingdom. The way they all interact amongst themselves. Marvellous. Bloody marvellous. (My emphasis is on the 'bloody' bit)

    They probably think that that is the way God designed everything, way, way back when the days were 7,000 years long. Or as they seem to be now, even longer.

    However, God didn't design it that way. Not 48,000 years ago. Not 'at least' thousands of years ago. Not millions of years ago.

    He absolutely, back to the drawing board, let's clear the decks and start all over again, shit, what do I do now,

    re-designed everything from the bottom up, 4,382 years ago.

    What we see around us today, (best described as bloody carnage)

    was re-designed in 2370 BC.

    just about the time that Stonehenge was being built and a few hundred years after the Great Pyramid of Giza.

    The way animals interact with each other today has no likeness with the way God originally designed things, i.e. everything then was vegetarian.

    So remember, the next time a Jehovah's Witness extols the virtues of God's 'wonderful design' please correct them by saying

    God's wonderful re-design.

    Awake 1986 1/22nd January pp. 29-30

    Watching the World ***What was the air like 4,600 years ago? That is what scientists are hoping to discover when they penetrate an underground chamber on the southwest side of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The 96-foot-long (29 m) chamber, covered by 4- to 6-foot-thick (1.2 to 1.8 m) limestone slabs, is thought to house a second ancient funerary boat for the "soul" of Pharaoh Cheops. The first-only 12 feet (3.7 m) away from the current site-was discovered in 1954. That wooden vessel, 130 feet (40 m) in length and excellently preserved, is on display in a museum built for it. The two pits, some 30 feet (9 m) deep and covered with 10 feet (3 m) of rubble, escaped the ravages of time and tomb robbers. It is expected that the second will be like the first-hermetically sealed by gypsum cement, thus trapping the ancient air. Space-age technology will be used to penetrate the chamber without introducing outside air. This will enable the scientists to measure particularly the carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the interior air, compare them with present levels, and perhaps throw some light on the question of whether the earth is really warming up as is believed by some scientists.

    Watchtower 1954 1st August p. 478 The Purpose of Your Witnessing ***Each creative day was 7,000 years in length. See "New Heavens and a New Earth", pages 40-43.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    This is what I have mentioned several times to my relatives now, ... if you believe in Noahs flood you HAVE to believe in a superfast evolution well beyond anything evolutionists claim to account for all we see in just 4300 years.

    Good catch on the Pharoah quote btw.

  • glenster
  • james_woods

    The "vegetarian animal kingdom" prior to the flood - and in the "new system" - is, of course, pure scientific nonsense.

    How the Watchtower can continue to teach this is beyond me - especially as there is absolutely no pretense of any scriptural basis for such an idea.

    Further, the Watchtower seems to be utterly blind to the fact that they are essentially admitting evolution after the flood: They still say that the various animal "kinds" on board the ark were super-species which diverted to present day species after exiting the ark. That is - evolution.

    It is also nonsense given the biology and the distribution of the various species over the continents.

  • LostGeneration

    So much of this wackjob "science" makes me understand why they absolutely hate university. Its so easy for one brick in the wall to be removed and the whole religion falls flat.

    I'm really surprised they don't push home schooling more in order to control information about science in general and evolution specifically.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Yeah, home schooling is a form of intellectual incest; it's mental in-breeding so no "worldly" thoughts are allowed to corrupt the mental gene pool of the young witness. JWs are like modern-day Amish, availing themselves of fine designer suits and iPhones.


    The Genesis account of Noah's Flood is all you need to consider to realize the Bible is utter nonsense: the impossible naval architecture of the ark, number of species involved, even just from the basic survival angle (uh, fresh water for a year? Hullo!?), etc.

    Of course, apolegeticists explain that Noah had something on his side that I'm just not seeing: God Magic! M'kay.

    YHWH explains why he is carrying out the Flood (reason: "evil found in the hearts of men", with possibility of Nephilim hankey-pankey), and he expresses regret for having made mankind (can an omniscient being experience regret, a "surprise" emotion? Hmmm....). So he decides to wipe out mankind, including the animals (sound similar to an upcoming event? The Flood was proto-Armageddon, perhaps a beta-test run). Then after wiping out man, he regrets that action (regret #2: flip-flop much?), so creates a rainbow as His Covenant not to do it ever, ever again (and Noah sacrifices a few of the animals He saved, because you know: a convenant being drawn up means some animal is going to have to die).

    So, did God succeed in wiping out evil? That would be NO: was I checked, evil is still here. Strike one.

    Did God block the loophole that prevented angels from hooking up with hot mortal chicks? Uh, no: there were nephilim before AND after the Flood. Strike two.

    That's an awfully LONG story to make up just so you'll have an answer whenever your kid looks up at you and asks, "where do rainbows come from"?

    Frankly, all the other rainbow creation myths from around the World (which almost EVERY culture has, including the Chumash tribe of American-Indians) are morally superior to that mess, not involving massive homocide, blind rage, and grovelling. But that's the one that took the Western World by storm, so there you go.... Hard to believe that anyone in this day and age still even bothers with the theories of ancient hunter-gatherer tribes of the Southern Levant.

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