JW Mark II - Attack from the Right?

by Max Divergent 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    " EARTH'S FINAL WARNING: Chaos increases day by day. Famine, floods, disease, wars, hatred and violence are everywhere. Where will it all end? What is the answer for our troubled world?"

    That's the headline in a full page ad in yesterdays paper. Following is a detailed analysis (including diagrams) of the statue of Daniel 2 and the beasts of Daniel 7 with commentary about Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, Rome and a chronology of the evils of the US and the European powers (Revelation 13) culminating in the idea that the world will 'trade-off their [religious] liberties for security and law-and-order' just before the end of the world.

    I know there've always been others with similar, but more aggressive views than the JW, like SDA and Christadelphians, but it got me to thinking how the softer line on 1914, Sign's of the End and all that could affect the more fundamentalist JWs who really believe in all that stuff.

    I wonder how many suspect the slow dropping of those core doctrines are part of a Satan-led apostasy 'in headquarters' that results in a 'special test' from within the Congregation?

    Seeing a more 'liberalised' (ie: really, really BAD) line on the End of the World means that right at the end, the Bros are 'taking an unusual path'. So, give lip service to the current trend in the Organisation, but keep an eye on what those who're 'close to the truth' are saying, because Jehovah may be using them to keep ‘the warnings’ being published while the Brothers prepare for the persecution (or some such muddled thinking)...

    So, while apostates generally attack the WTS from the socio-political, liberal 'Left'; I wonder if the WTS is just as vulnerable from the conservative 'Right'?

    I can't see too many JW 'crossing the street' to some other sect like that, but I wonder how many might just be influenced and 'strengthened' in their traditional JW views by seeing familiar and comfortable views like that being published? How many might just sneak off that $10 for the EG White book?

    On the other hand, it could be that FRED HALL, Bibleman and You Know have combined resources and are engaging in a global press campaign to keep the 'Good News' in the news???

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Max, what's YOUR solution?

    Guest 77

  • Satanus


    Which newspaper, date and page was that headline??????????????????


  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    I wonder if the WTS is just as vulnerable from the conservative 'Right'?

    Max, in Latin America and Europe there's nothing to the right of the WTS; perhaps the Opus Dei in sexual morality, but otherwise they are too far apart to pose a threat to each other.

    I think the main reason why the WTS has survived more than a century is that it is virtually unique in its socio-religious niche. They are like koalas, in a certain way. Too specialised and too inflexible, but with no competitors.

  • 2SYN

    Good lord, now the WTBTS is going to order it's minions to order the sheep to stop reading newspapers. They might as well move go and live at the North Pole already, it'll save them the trouble of a long parting with reality - oh sh*t, I forgot, there are scientific research teams up there, that won't do at all, the WTBTS doesn't want anything to do with something like that...

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Hi -Sorry it took a while to get back, been sleeping and working and doing other wastful things...

    Thanks for your comments. Guest77 - My solution? Live on at least an acre, breed labradors and ducks, keep a select group of frineds and drink a lot of red wine...

    SaintSatan - The Sunday Times of Perth, Western Australia, a News Corp paper. 3 March, 2002, p.48. I'd scan it, but my scanner's too small and it's just not important enough! It was a paid advertisment of course, however there's no disclosure of which organiosation published it. They advertise an EG White book, so I suppose it may be SDA.

    Joseph - then you've very lucky!! There are too many moronic, right wing facists in cloaks in other places. Imported direct from the US for the most part. JW are quite moderate by overall standards of loony religions. I like your observation about WTS and Koalas!

    2SYN - LOL

  • Satanus


    Thanks. The headlines had that fake sensationalist sound.


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