The perfect storm...time to exit the JW's

by Giordano 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Balaamsass

    Ditto Solomon:"Btw, if there were a child molester case being dealt with, elders should consider that one of the other elders MAY become an informant for the State, in order to do a bit of house-cleaning. Shame if elders meetings had to start with elders strip-searching each other, to look for wires/bugs/spy cams, etc."

    WTBTS should keep in mind some Elders already have "under the carpet" case files in safe keeping and are contacting victims to encourage lawsuits and prosecution.

    Any Elder with half a brain should buy a tiny -thin $60 + voice activated LONG PLAY digital recorder and keep it in their briefcase and RECORD the other Elders refusing to cooperate with the police for his personal protection. Also RECORD ALL conversations with Watchtower Legal. WATCHTOWER LEGAL WILL THROW Elders under the bus.

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