Green Lantern came out the closet!

by MC RubberMallet 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MC RubberMallet
  • Twitch

    Blake Lively was the only good thing about that flick.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    I have refused to watch it.

    It's like watching Mr. T play Professer X.

  • Twitch

    "Magneto, I'm gonna crush yer helmet like a beer can wit my mind, fool!"

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    LOL. So you understand!

  • NeonMadman

    Actually, it's not the same Green Lantern that the movie was about. The newly gay character is actually the GL of "Earth-2," a parallel universe that was originally developed to showcase the characters who were in DC comics of the 1940's, including the original versions of GL, the Flash, the Atom and many others. DC recently revamped its continuity, so the GL of the 1940's has now been transformed into a young man who is gay. The previous version of the Earth-2 GL was an older man with a wife and children.

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