had a meeting with elders today. . . . got wasted at a party with worldly friends to take my mind off things. anyone else use drink as a coping mechanism?
coping mechanism
by independenthinker 9 Replies latest jw friends
Sure I drink, but not always to get wasted, because I like waking up without a hangover. So, tell us the details of what the brothers said.
Lady Lee
sorry not a coping mechanism. substance abuse of any kind is an avoidance mechanism.
Escapism is not a way to deal with your problems.
Captain Obvious
had a meeting with elders today. . . . got wasted at a party with worldly friends to take my mind off things. anyone else use drink as a coping mechanism?
Well there's your mistake. You should have gotten wasted at a witness party! You'll never get in trouble after one of those.
How did the meeting go?
Captain Obvious
had a meeting with elders today. . . . got wasted at a party with worldly friends to take my mind off things. anyone else use drink as a coping mechanism?
Well there's your mistake. You should have gotten wasted at a witness party! You'll never get in trouble after one of those.
How did the meeting go?
wha happened?
i have never been to a witness party where alcohol was present!
they compared my worldly girl to a disease, and then we had a really long debate on salvation and i told them that i believe god is a million times more merciful than you want me to believe
Love what you said to the elders 'independentthinker'. Please be careful with alcohol though as when you are having problems it is addictive and alcoholism is not something you want to add to your problems. I hope you have supportive friends and family.
Yesterday I had wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, today I have calms. I'm a mess!!!