What made you leave?

by CuriousUK 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    I came home to a house empty..............

    of my Children ...

    my Wife..........

    and all Their Belongings............

    Just my stuff............ no pets....plants..... Just my Shit LOL!!!

    Then a knock at the door.............

    Take a Guess ............

    Hello Brother...............

  • CuriousUK

    I can't actually say what kind of person my JW is.... I know he is intelligent, kind, loving, funny as a man away from the JWs. He lives with his JW grandparents and has a "worldly" career with British Gas. He was Church of England and then was converted (not sure how old). His parents are no longer JW, and neither is his sister, who is married with children. He has a lot waiting for him on the outside...

    He nearly left when we first met; something he explained as a weakness due to something that happened, which he has never explained to me. All I know is when he confessed his relationship with me and he was nearly disfellowshipped, they did an amazing job on him, but he still came to see me in private to explain the situation and we held each other and cried together...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I think if he was a convert and now has no JW relatives then you have a better chance to get him to reason and see sense. He needs to research HONESTLY though, .. that means open mind and willing to see both sides of a discussion, this means looking open mindedly at sites that are critical of his chosen viewpoint. Can he do that? If so you can have hope. If not, then cease and desist and save yourself a lot of pain here.

  • 00DAD

    Wow, CB, that's devastating!

    So what happened with the wife and kids and why was there an elder to "greet" you?

  • Nambo

    I joined the truth in my 20s, first I was in a loving and Spiritual congregation. I becaome so Spiritual I wanted to move to were the need was greatest.

    Thats when I discovered my original congregation was the exeption to the rule, over the next few years my whole outlook on God and the truth was distorted until I viewed God as some sort of Hitler figure and the Spiritual Paradise more like a Stalin era Police state.

    Even the field ministry which I intially loved so much was made unproductive through their silly rules and regualtions, for instance, I was very good at starting Bible studies, mainly with Women, (as they tend to be the ones answering the door and tend to be more receptive to a man calling than a male householder, its just Human nature), anyhow, the rule was, you couldnt study with a member of the opposite sex, even if you took a Sister with you, so I had to give all my studies to Sisters, who 100% of cases, dropped them or couldnt be bothered.

    Another example of the doctrines of men invalidating the Love of the Christ was that I used to go around the homes of elderly single sisters as part of my Christian good works, to be honest, I felt quite bored, drinking tea and bisquits, whilst they chatted away, but I knew how lonely life was for these old widows, with only the meetings and a Saturday morning for company. But in my new congregation, this wasnt allowed, it was some sort of sin to visit old folk, because..........you might not be able to stop yourself having sex with them!!!!!!!!!

    Can you belive the selfish sex obsessed stupidity of these people?

    I was working in an office with beautifull girls in thier 20s who used to offer me sex, not just a date, I turned them down for the truth, but those 80 year old wrinkled widows, I must admit, that was hard

    Iam suprised they let us walk around the countryside, all those sheep very tempting for a young brother, ( and especially as somebody in the circuit was actuallly disfellowshipped for such).

    Once they convinced me that Jehovah didnt care two hoots about me I moved back down South to a more Neutral congregation, but it didnt have the level of Spirituality I needed to rescue me from falling away.

    In the end I left as a form of Suicide, still believing it all and hense feeling I was now living with a one way ticket to Damnation.

    It was such a relief to learn after 10 years of this suffering, that the JWs where not the owners of Jehovah, and that his doctrines wernt the doctrines of men.

  • trebor

    Researching about medical 'advice' respecting the blood issue from the CD-ROM library I came across the former stance and flip-flop on organ transplants being cannibalistic. Further Watchtower library research led to me coming across the organization blaming women for rape and being worthy of everlasting destruction without hope of a resurrection if they did not cry out/scream while being raped.

    More research and investigation brought up a history of flip-flops and hypocrisy. Finding their alliance with Jimmy Swaggart in the court, being a part of the United Nations, using the work of Johannes Greber for support of their translation and understanding, "Stay Alive until 75".

    Going back to 'old light', to a new understanding, and even back again on some pivotal teachings such as 'Superior Authorities' (Romans 13:1), 'This Generation' (Mathew 24:34), and one of the most infamous ones 'resurrection of the men of Sodom', just further instilled and proved by their own writings, even more so, how it's just a bunch of men doing their best guesswork which failed miserably at times in running an organization.

    An organization not specially chosen, not selected by God...Just like any other religion at best, fairly seen as a high-level control group, and in numerous opinions and evaluations once all things are considered - a cult.

  • 00DAD

    trebor: Researching about medical 'advice' respecting the blood issue from the CD-ROM library I came across the former stance and flip-flop on organ transplants being cannibalistic.

    This reminds me of a couple of things that happened when I was still "in" and that caused bells to ring, albeit only faintly, in my head. I should have considered these warnings more closely at the time.

    The first situation happened when I was a newbie JW back in the early-mid '80s. I was talking with a brother that had been in for decades and the subject of transplants came up. He expressed the OPINION that transplants were wrong because they were cannibalistic. I pointed out that they were allowed under current WT teachings. Although he KNEW this, he still wanted to cling to what he was taught and accepted when he first became a JW. "New Light" is hard for anyone to accept. (BTW, this guy later on became a CO so he was and probably still is a "True Believer").

    Fast forward to the WTBTS's changing views on blood fractions. During the WT study on the subject, an older brother that was an elder 50+ years a Witness insisted in his comments that accepting fractions was wrong even though the study article CLEARLY stated it was a conscience matter and we should not judge others, but only decide for ourselves. Similarly, my wife at the time--a born-in--also felt that my position of willingness to accept fractions was deplorable and objectionable to Jehovah. I asked her, "How can you say that when the WT we JUST studied said that it is up to each individual to decide for themselves?"

    She insisted I was wrong. Hmmmm, ... We're now divorced.

    The WTBTS insists, let me repeat INSISTS, it's adherents obediently follow/believe/accept whatever they teach and then change those teachings randomly and wonder why so many have a hard time with it!

    If LWT was here I know what he'd say, "Stupid cult!"

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Well the wife wanted a Life without a "Husband".............

    And Found what "Being Human Was" And Couldn't forgive herself so.......................

    I was the "Sinner" cause how could Such a PURE Sister Ever Be Human............

    And Having a Dad Who Was "Top Chef" at the Hall helped........

    I was a "Faithful Brother" Who watched a "Sinner" (who would be stoned in Moses'day)

    Got everything Today in Jah's Perfect Order...........

    The Elder's were there to remind me Even thou My Wife Left and Was Divorcing me..................

    It wasn't "Biblical" so remember...............

    Wait and Pray............

    At least in the New System Jehovah will make all your needs and wants into "Truth"

  • TOTH

    My username is short for TIRED OF THE HYPOCRISY.

    Over time I got so fed up I couldn't go to service and tell people about the loving and kind brotherhood that did not exist so I stopped going to service. After awhile I got sick of hearing the same old tripe over and over again and no one living it. I saw hypocrisy and back biting and real sick minds at work so I got to a point where I could not even set foot in a kh. I try hard to not go off on my wife's family but there is one uncle who lives across the street that tasks me. The other dfay I not only called him Count DRUNKula to his face but also lit him up about the memorial being unnecessary since they say that Christ returned in 1914. I try to love everyone but this guy is a total jerk and so I avoid him when I can....

  • titch

    I faded out of it when I came to the full, complete, realization, after soooooo many years, that I simply have no spiritual hunger, no spiritual craving, no spiritual yearnings that need to be satisfied, or satiated by any kind of religious belief structure. Religious belief structures do nothing for me. None do.

    I suppose that I just didn't inherit the so-called "God gene" that some scientists think that people have. And, I think that there are probably millions of persons who didn't inherit that "gene", if there really is one.


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