5/15 WT - WT Society Displays Condescending Attitude towards Marriage

by flipper 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Been working a lot the last several days, finally got a day off !

    SKEETER 1 - It's too bad your JW family doesn't realize what a great non-Witness husband your JW sister has. It's interesting that your other sister realizes that a good number of JW men are chauvanistic pigs. As you say- there may be hope for her yet. And your JW dad following the " rules " about staying single back in the 1940's and 1950's, good lord. It's amazing to me how much power that freaks like Judge Rutherford HAD over millions of JW's in putting down marriage. Proof positive that if GB members tell JW's to jump off a cliff - they'd do it ! Thanks for your post, very interesting. Peace out, Mr. flipper

  • MidwichCuckoo

    As others have pointed out - CULT. The Church of England doesn't impart all these ridiculous boundries on its members - but then again, it isn't a dangerous organisation which breaks up families. People who go to 'Church' do so because they (mostly) want to, not because they're afraid of the repurcussions.

    The danger of a JW marrying a non-believer is that the WT will lose a member due to them having some sense talked into them.

  • flipper

    MIDWICH CUCKOO- Good point. Most " normal " religions don't take the view that you can't marry outside the church. You are right- JW's make those rules so their members won't be able to have sense talked into them to leave the JW cult. WT society wants to restrict access to ANY type of logic which would free JW's

  • Scully

    "If a dedicated servant of Jehovah married an unbeliever, this would be an act of disobedience to God. A Christian who marries an unbeliever is NOT exemplary and lacks a real appreciation for God's gift of marriage."

    Maybe the Christian™ who marries an Unbeliever™ has experienced first-hand that JW marriages are not always the Exemplary™ bed of roses the WTS would have everyone believe they are. Whose fault is that? And do those JWs who beat their partners, lie to their partners, cheat on their partners - and get away with it because they are part of the Good Ol' Boys Club Elders™ or Ministerial Servants™ - showing a proper "appreciation for God's gift of marriage"?

  • DesirousOfChange

    (1 Corinthians 7:39, 40 NWT) 39 "A wife is bound during all the time her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep [in death], she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in [the] Lord. 40 But she is happier if she remains as she is, according to my opinion. I certainly think I also have God’s spirit."

    Does not this scripture clearly make this statement about WIDOWS? Is it not "adding to" God's Word to make it a rule for ALL persons when Paul specifically referenced it to WIDOWS?

    Just wondering.


  • flipper

    SCULLY- I was one of those JW's you mention who experienced a JW marriage for 19 years. It sucked big time. I was a recipient of the threesome, I mean, " threefold cord " in the marriage. To put it bluntly, I got really tired of " Jehovah " and the WT society sharing our marital bed snooping in on our personal sex life, or lack thereof. Usually the latter. In JW marriages the marriage ALWAYS comes second, the JW organization first. I believe that very fact breaks up more JW marriages in and of itself.

    DESIROUS of CHANGE - WT society is good at making rules for everything in JW's lives. That way they control EVERY aspect of their lives. Including marriage. And the WT society always adds and subtracts from the Bible as well. In the WT society's view it's not called the " Holy Bible " , it's called the " WT Bible " . It's ridiculous. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Scott77

    "...It's amazing to me how much power that freaks like Judge Rutherford HAD over millions of JW's in putting down marriage..." flipper's response in part to skeeter1.

    This is very interesting comment on 'Judge' Rutherford from our highly respected member of the JWN site. Thank you Mr. Flipper. By the way, was not this infamous guy a womanizer, a drunkard and a schemer? The fact that he could have a double life to that level as well as shamelessly maintain a grip other's marriage is to me, unfair, unjust and worst of all, selfish.

  • Jeffro
  • flipper

    SCOTT77- Thanks . One example of what I was saying about Judge Rutherford's dissing of marriage to JW's was very evident at the 1941 District convention when the book called " Children " was released. I believe he had all the teenagers in the audience sit near the front rows and told them that they should NOT be getting married or be having children as they would have plenty of time to do that in the alleged " paradise " or " new system ". Any JW's who followed that advice all their lives would now be 85 - 90 yrs. of age and would have never married or had children. The audacity or arrogance of that man to insist young ones give up their lives for the WT society's false promises was ridiculous. And 70 years later- WT society is STILL telling young people to wait and put off marriage or to not have children. And all the while as Rutherford was telling young JW's this - he was skirt chasing, getting drunk, and being a dictator. Can anyone say " Hitler " or hypocrite ? Jesus.

    JEFFRO- Very funny you-tube, thanks for posting the link

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