A wish tree......

by charlie brown jr. 2 Replies latest social physical

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    (A wish tree is an individual tree... is used as an object of wishes and offerings.)

    I found one on a walk recently................

    Thought maybe this might be a nice place for one................

    I wish.....

    We see each other for who we are and where we are..............

    I admit .... I have been WRONG on many things.......

    The longer you're here the easier it is to see .............

    The people.... friends........ Some who left .........some just left........ some still in............

    Yet We're all Friends................

    I look back 1 yr ago..............

    and as the Slapshot Goalie explained about a penatly................

    "You Feel Shame!"

    As I do on many things I "Charmed in on".............

    This is The New System People !!!!!!!!!!!!


    All Living together..................

    4 EVER..............(In Cyper Space LOL)

  • talesin

    I wish

    .... we could all be less bitter, for it eats us inside. Yes, be angry at the WTBTS, but don't let it fester inside and take up all of your thoughts. We need positivity in our lives to be healthy.

    "holding anger is like drinking poison, and expecting the other person to get sick"


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I wish my friend .............

    .......... Was here to HUG!!!!!!!!

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