by St George of England 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leavingwt

    What's for supper? See page 26 for details.

  • Matsimus

    That really made me laugh! How long do you have to sink before comparing the perfect lady with a cow? Haha. Be careful now, even talking about sex with a boy might make you pregnant!

  • baltar447

    mmm GHACH!

  • ldrnomo

    Based on the maturity level of teenagers I've observed who are in, or were raised in the bORG these types of illistrations fit the general demographic of the JW youth from 16-21. Just my thoughts

  • therevealer

    Yes and as i pointed out on another thread Andre is now in "I am happy to say that Andre, my relative,
    serves at the East Timor office of Jehovah's Witnesses."

  • serenitynow!

    that young people ask caption made me lol so hard!

  • EntirelyPossible

    If they were to actually observe a field full of young cattle they would see a lot of sex play going on

    I once saw a calf suckling on a cow. Unfortunately that weren't no cow, it was a bull, and that weren't no nipple the calf was suckling on.

    I also saw a stallion attempting to mount a cow once. Natues has all sorts of things God hates in it. Makes you wonder why he created nature in the first place.

  • WTWizard

    These articles are all rubbish--taking a factoid out of context about the Central African Republic is not going to get anyone familiar with the region. Eating insects is the least of their problems. Do the readers even realize that, in central and western Africa, insects carry some nasty parasites? Do they mention that the grasshoppers have to be cooked well to ensure that they can be eaten safely? No. You will not find that in these rags. Nor will you find other facts, that are even more important, about the same region. For instance, you cannot enjoy your grasshopper snacks if you get kidnapped or hauled to jail (or bitten by a black mamba snake).

    Perhaps humans ought to emulate the description of the cattle's sex lives. Religion has sucked the joy out of everything, and if anyone is worried about a disease, perhaps religion ought to put the money and psychic power they ripped off from the people into finding cures for them.

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