Who were the anointed between 100 and 1879 AD?

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
  • Who were the anointed between 100 and 1879 AD?
  • *** Kingdom Approached chap. 17 p. 344 par. 29 The "Slave" Who Lived to See the "Sign" ***

    As to just how the "faithful and discreet slave" class existed and served down through the centuries after the death of the apostles of the Master Jesus Christ, we do not have a distinct historical picture. Apparently one generation of the "slave" class fed the next succeeding generation thereof.

    My question is who were the "faithful slave" or anointed or the "wheat" between 100 and 1879 AD? Especially just before Russell appeared. Was it the Second Day Adventists who "helped" him?

    Watch how the WTS dances around this question.

    *** (Proclaimers) jv chap. 5 p. 44 Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914) ***But what about “the wheat”? Who were among “the sons of the kingdom” during the centuries-long apostasy? We cannot say for a certainty. The literal weeds of Jesus’ illustration are generally considered to be bearded darnel, which very much resembles wheat until maturity, when it can readily be distinguished from wheat by its smaller black seeds. Similarly, only at “the harvest” would a clear distinction be made between imitation Christians and the true “sons of the kingdom.” Nevertheless, Jesus said: “Let both grow together until the harvest.” True Christianity, then, was never completely stamped out.

    Throughout the centuries there have always been truth lovers. To mention just a few: John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384) and William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) furthered the work of Bible translation even at the risk of their life or freedom. Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (1478-1541), Martin Cellarius (1499-1564), Johannes Campanus (c. 1500-1575), and Thomas Emlyn (1663-c. 1741) accepted the Bible as God’s Word and rejected the Trinity. Henry Grew (1781-1862) and George Storrs (1796-1879) not only accepted the Bible and rejected the Trinity but also expressed appreciation for the ransom sacrifice of Christ.

    Although we cannot positively identify any of such persons as “the wheat” of Jesus’ illustration, certainly “Jehovah knows those who belong to him.” —2 Tim. 2:19.

    *** re chap. 6 p. 31 par. 17 Unlocking a Sacred Secret ***Nevertheless, through all the centuries of apostasy, there would exist individual wheatlike Christians, genuine anointed ones.

    ------------so if these are only a FEW INDIVIDUALS where is the organization or governing body? or a slave class? or a slavelike congregation?

    *** re chap. 11 p. 57 par. 11 Is Your Name in the Book of Life? ***Likewise, when professed Christians were absorbed into Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, during the long centuries of the great apostasy, there must always have been a few individuals who tried, against great odds, to do Jehovah’s will.

    *** w00 10/15 p. 30 Working in the “Field”—Before the Harvest ***The “field” that Jesus described in the parable of the wheat and the weeds was not quite ready to be harvested. (Matthew 13:38) Grew, Storrs, and others were working in the “field” in preparation for the harvest.

    *** w75 1/15 p. 46 How Are Christians Spiritually Fed? ***Jesus Christ is the Head of the congregation, his slave, and his words show that he would strengthen them to feed his “domestics” right down through the centuries. Apparently one generation of the “slave” class fed the succeeding generation thereof, as well as continuing to feed themselves.

    *** w81 3/1 p. 24 Do You Appreciate the “Faithful and Discreet Slave”? ***Beginning with Pentecost, 33 C.E., and continuing through the 19 centuries since then, this slavelike congregation has been feeding its members spiritually, doing so faithfully and discreetly.

  • LostGeneration

    Good quotes Blondie. The more I look back on how stupid these WT writings are, the more angry I get at myself.

  • TimothyT

    Thanks for posting this Blondie.

    I find the very last quote to be interesting. So there has always been a slave like congregation feeding its members spiritually. Errr yeah!!!

  • designs

    One of my favorite District Assemblies was in 1545 in Trent Germany

  • minimus

    DESIGNS! Good one!

  • jam

    I was told by an elder, Constantine was Of the anointed.

  • 00DAD

    Blondie: Apparently one generation of the "slave" class fed the next succeeding generation thereof.

    Ah, yes! The origin of the "Overlapping Generations!"

    It's so clear now, why didn't I see it before?

  • poopsiecakes

    I was told by an elder, Constantine was Of the anointed.

  • maksym

    So based on this logic the Bible was compiled by apostates; as it was not completely accepted in the Catholic/Orthodox format until around the year 395. And I suppose this means that a protestant true servant of Jehovah decided that the omission of certain books was okay because the Jw's use the protestant Bible.

    Ridiculous logic by the WT.



  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    • Agobard of Lyons, Archbishop, France (779-840)
    • Claudius of Turin, Bishop (...–827)
    • Berengarius of Tours, Archdeacon (999–1088)
    • Peter of Bruys, Priest (...-1131)
    • Henry of Lausanne, Monk (...-1148)
    • Pierre Vaudès (Peter Waldo), (1140-1218)
    • John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384)
    • William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536)
    • Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (1478-1541)
    • Martin Cellarius (1499-1564)
    • Johannes Campanus (c. 1500-1575)
    • Thomas Emlyn (1663-c. 1741)
    • Henry Grew (1781-1862)
    • George Storrs (1796-1879)

    What - that's it?

    Naming just those few people throughout the centuries doesn't cut it. Let me guess: They were the one-man committee "Governing Body" of the time, feeding their followers, the "domestics".

    This clear identity of the “faithful and discreet slave” class was not to continue all through the centuries until the return of the Master with his kingly power.

    w81 3/1 p. 26 / Do You Appreciate the “Faithful and Discreet Slave”?

    For centuries the clear identity of the “wheat,” or true “sons of the kingdom,” had been obscured by the proliferous “weeds,” or apostate Christians, who claimed to have the heavenly hope as heirs to the Kingdom. Only after 1919, when the truly spirit-begotten Christians were delivered from Babylon the Great, the Devil’s world empire of false religion, did a clear difference become visible between the “wheat” and the “weeds.”

    w81 8/1 pp. 23-24 par. 10 Harvesting in the “Time of the End”

    In the 19th century, though, the religious climate led to stirrings of Christian watchfulness. As a result of Bible research on the part of some clergymen and Bible scholars, such teachings as the immortal soul, eternal torment after death, predestination, and the Trinity were restudied. In addition, some students of the Bible were closely examining Bible prophecies pertaining to the last days. Consequently, various groups of persons began thinking seriously about the Lord’s promised return.—Matt. 24:3.

    In the United States, William Miller predicted the return of Christ in visible form in 1843 or 1844. The German theologian J. A. Bengel set the date for 1836; the Irvingites in England looked first to 1835, then 1838, 1864, and 1866. There was a Mennonite group in Russia that looked first to 1889, then to 1891.

    Such efforts to keep on the watch served to awaken many to the prospect of our Lord’s return. However, these efforts at Christian watchfulness ended up in disappointment. Why? For the most part, because they relied too much on men and not enough on the Scriptures. After a few decades, most of those groups faded out of existence.

    jv chap. 4 p. 40

    Inevitably, with their current teachings the WTBTS is going the same way as those before them, who relied too much on men and not enough on the Scriptures.

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