Some apostates are sociopaths

by myusername 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry

    I think statistically about 4 out of a hundred demonstrate sociopathic personalities.

    40 out of a thousand.

    400 out of ten thousand.

    4,000 out of a million.

    We have about 300,000,000 people in the U.S.

    As far as I know, there are only 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses.

    If the one-to-one comparison holds, we are talking about --what?--28,000 JW sociopaths?

    Probably more INSIDE the Kingdom Halls than out, if you ask me!

  • thetrueone

    The most obvious ones who stand out singularly have to be the past presidents of the WTS., notably J Rutherford and

    all of the other members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, past and present.

    When men are endeavored to be godly they tend not to be humanistic in nature.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I think sociopathic as a label may be too kind of a designation when categorizing some apostates both on this message board and elsewhere. The better word to use, at least I think so, would in fact be, asshole(s).

  • thetrueone

    The true question remains ... does the WTS. create or develop people to be sociopaths ?

    I think so, from what I've personally seen.

    If this is so its not surprising to find people who have been disposed by this organization to carry on outside of it

    with a similar social behavior traits trying to defame it.

  • Finally-Free

    So are some plumbers. Personality disorders can be found in any segment of society, and are best diagnosed in person by professionals.


  • 00DAD

    Diagnosing Mental Illness - How Are Mental Illnesses Diagnosed?

    A mental health diagnosis involves many steps beginning with an evaluation by a doctor if symptoms of mental illness are present. The evaluation will begin with the doctor asking questions about your symptoms, medical history, and performing a physical exam. Although there are no laboratory tests to specifically diagnose mental illness, the doctor may use various tests to make sure something else isn't causing the symptoms. If no other illness is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, mental health professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses.

    Psychiatrists and psychologists use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a person for a mental illness. The doctor bases his or her diagnosis on the person's report of symptoms -- including any social or functional problems caused by the symptoms -- and his or her observation of the person's attitudes and behavior. The doctor then determines if the person's symptoms and degree of disability point to a diagnosis of a specific disorder.

    The standard manual used by experts for the diagnosis of recognized mental illness in the U.S. is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM), which is compiled by the American Psychiatric Association.

    The foregoing begs some rather obvious questions, directed to the Governing Body:

    You recently admitted publicly that you have no idea who all of the anointed are around the world, adding that you suspect many that claim to be are in fact "emotionally or mentally imbalanced." (w2011 8/15 p. 22, QFR)

    Two broad areas of questions immediately come to mind:

    1 - How did you determine that some are "emotionally or mentally imbalanced"? Which of you have the appropriate degree(s) in psychology to make such a determination? Where and when did you get these credentials? What is your clinical experience which qualifies you to make such an assessment? How many of those claiming to be of the anointed did you interview to make this assessment? How did you determine that this number was statistically relevant to make such a sweeping generalization concerning over 10,000 people making this claim worldwide? How did you do this since, as you admitted, you don't even know who these people are? Was this a double-blind, peer-reviewed study? How, if at all, was the validity of your conclusion confirmed independently?

    2 - Since you admittedly do NOT know who the individuals are that comprise as a "composite body" the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" class, how can it be that they are involved in the providing of "spiritual food at the proper time"? And if they are NOT in fact actually involved, isn't it then a logical conclusion that there is no "FDS" class since by definition it is their involvement that proves who they are?

    Similar questions could be raised concerning their labeling of apostates as "mentally diseased".


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