Anybody frequent

by zengalileo 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • zengalileo

    I want to encopurage all JWNers to go onto the forums and participate freely. It is one of the more disgusting JW forums on the web. They are trying to say that it is not a JW owned and operated website, but everybody I've enteracted with via telephone calls, emails and forum exchanges is a JW. The forum is moderated by JWs who INTENSELY weed out anything: negative about JWs, any information that suggests that blood transfusions aren't evil, and anything that suggests "non-blood" medicine (which hopefully you all know does not really exist) is not MAGIC.

    The main problem I have with however, is that there are Jehovah's Witnesses who are not medical professionals claiming to be medical professionals and giving medical aqdvice on life or death situations. One big offender on this is a man named Jan B. Wade.

    Jan B. Wade is a janitorial supplies salesman from Bellingham, Washington, who has never finished high school and never been to college. This he admitted to me on the phone. YET, he claims on the website to be a medical professional, and he routinely tells people to take his advice in medical matters over the advice of their own doctors. He has never worked in the medical field and has never been paid for his medical knowledge or know-how, which is zero anyway. He was an HLC member for many years, and claims to be a medical consultant, but has admitted to me that he has never been paid as a medical consultant. He has no licenses that are medically relevant. And this man is just one on the team that is claiming to be something he is not, and endangering lives of people by advising them to go against the advice of their doctors.

    If anyone on this forum is enraged as I am about this guy, please go on and demand that he stop advertising himself as a medical professional and that he stop giving medical advice, which has to be illegal i hope anyway. Then perouse the forum and keep a barf bag close because you will read the most disgiuisting lies about blood, magical non-blood medicine and all sorts of JW urban legeds about blood. Take part in the forum if you want, but like I say it is moderated by Nazi JWs, and probably very well funded by the Watchtower.

  • Tuesday

    I posted a video about this website more than a year ago about my e-mails back and forth.

  • serenitynow!

    Wow, this is the first I've of that site. I'll check it out.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    zengalileo writes:

    "Jan B. Wade is a janitorial supplies salesman from Bellingham, Washington, who has never finished high school and never been to college. This he admitted to me on the phone."

    Wow! That explains one hell-uv-a lot! Bet he'd never admit that in full public view.

    Recently I had an email exchange with him asking whether he still thinks it true to say "Jehovah's Witnesses abstain from blood". After multiple emails, the guy never did respond to the question with a definitive "Yes".

    He's a blind man who willfully gives himself to religion-hucksters. is full of religious porn.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • serenitynow!

    Yeah I just took a look. A parent with a 17 year old son with Leukemia who has a hemoglobin of 2! asking people on the forum how low can it go. Sick.

  • ex360shipper

    zengalileo writes:

    "Jan B. Wade is a janitorial supplies salesman from Bellingham, Washington, who has never finished high school and never been to college. This he admitted to me on the phone."

    So, what you are saying is, he is an above average JW.

  • zengalileo

    This site / org has many, many medical endorsements. Frankly, as the director of AJWRB, I am jealous. I want those endorsements for AJWRB. I have actually started the delicate process of contacting the hospitals that are advertized on the site and like I said, it is a delicate process. Basically when you talk to a hospital administrator, they are SOOOOO enthusiastic and positive and slapping themselves on their own backs over the fact that they have bent over backwards to make JWs feel comfortable and cared for and they are really, really, really proud of themselves for being so religiously tolerant and going along with the Watchtower game of words (like their definition of "bloodless" and "abstain") and have developed massive programs of "bloodless medicine" even to the point of hiring Jehovah's Witnesses and HLC members to start up and run the programs. (sigh...)

    Well, if these hospital administrators so much as smell a questioning tone in you, they cut you off and stop talking to you. It is bizarre. I can't figure out why this is. But apparently the Society has invested man power, time, donations, money etc. to these hospitals to develop these programs, and the Watchtower's involvement and donations for hospitals goes back many years. Some of the administrators told me that they haqve had JWs on staff running bloodless programs since the 1980s. That is plenty of time to affect the culture of the hospitals they work at. One administrator for a hospital in San Ramon actually said, "Yeah we are so pro-Jehovah's Witness here." I just went dumb when she said that. It just seemed very odd. So I said, "Well so am I." And I am. Frankly if the hospitals are saving lives then I am for it. But I have a feeling that religious freedom and religious rights is more important than saving lives in these hospitals. I'm still checking things out though. But as a new comer, they are very leary of me and my motives. Like I said, the Watchtower has been setting up bloodless programs since the 1980s.

    Hence,, the main propaganda arm of the "blood is evil movement," has a lot of cash and a lot of credibility andf a lot of contacts and endorsements. There are non-JW people on the forums and actual doctors and nurses. But there are also LPNs and nurse's assistants that go on there and admit to pushing bloodless medicine on their patients. One bed pan nurse actually admitted to giving medical advice contrary to the doctor at her hospital. Apparently doing that is tolerated by the moderators, but suggesting that maybe some people just need a blood transfusion every once in a while is considered hate speech against JWs.Basically JWs view the noblood thing as a cause and a movement and they feel it their duty to promote noblood even to non JWs.

    I sure wish the founders of AJWRB were still around to lend a hand in developing an outreach to hospitals. If any AJWRB founders are on JWN, like Marvin Shilmer (who is still active as a writer by the way) contact me and help me make connections to the medical community. But one way you all can be activists is to join the forums (and the forums too!) and keep the tough questions going to JWs. You just might save a life by doing that little action.

    peace love and zen

  • zengalileo

    If you google Jan B. Wade by the way, you can find him listed as an employee at a janitorial supplies company in Washington. No he never did mention that in our conversations, so you are right Marvin, he would never tell you that. But just look him up and you will find as I did, that is his day job. He also says he is a "great reader," and he has read lots of books on medicine and "that is why he is qualified to be a medical professional." So I guess if you read a book on brain surgery then you can go ahead and take a whack at that. But isn't that the way JWs think after all? They shun worldly education. But on that note, let me say that when a person does not graduate from high school, that isn't necessarily a knock against their intelligence. Many smart people have never been to college or didn't graduate from high school. But those people don't get to have jobs giving medical advice either. No matter how smart they think they are.

    It also tells something about a person's ability to complete tasks, especially tasks that require years of attention and concentration and work. Graduating from college didn't make me smart. But it did prove that I could set a goal that takes years to complete, and I can apply myself over a space of years to a single goal, and I can acconplish this. And it makes me hirable as a teacher. I AM a professional educator. It has been my job. I don't need to argue with anyone as to whether I am a professional educator. My pay check proves that. And it annoys me when people who aren't real educators claim to be educators without all the work I've put in my life. I can only imagine how doctors and nurses feel when the Jan B. Wades of the world go prancing around claiming to be medical professionals when they couldn't maintain their attention long enough to graduate high school.

    Sorry Jan, but let's talk when you get a real college degree. Until then, why don't you crawl back into the back room at your janitorial supplies store and reorganize your Lemon Pledge.


  • serenitynow!

    I just signed up. I find it hard to believe that actual health care professionals would be giving advice on that site about "natural" therapies. I would be afraid of a lawsuit. Being an RN myself, any advice I give to people generally ends with instructions to consult with their own physician or pharmacist about their treatment options. Of course, JWs have been taught that they know more that the professionals. I don't know how long I am going to last on that site.

  • tresdecu

    I remember reading that site a few years back in disbelief. I actually met Jan Wade a few years ago when visiting relitives in WA State. It is so funny that he is a Janatorial Supplies salesman.

    And It's true, I know of a few former HLC guys that get hired by Hospitals (for big $$$) CRAZY!!

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