Current King James Bible now has 6,972 Jehovah's name restored.

by Iamallcool 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • watson

    You're not going to believe this, but this story is getting a very positive response from the Brothers....getting email links, facebook postings. Some real excitement building in the ranks.

  • smiddy

    If I remember correctly,didn`t the WTB&TS obtain the rights many years ago to publish the King James version of the bible ? as with Byingtons bible and whatever else ?

    just saying


  • WontLeave

    First of all, the KJV has no copyright outside the UK, which holds it in perpetual copyright, and nobody but the UK takes it seriously. Second, the current KJV has already undergone revisions to correct mistakes and keep it readable.

    I already know what "LORD" means in the KJV. I don't need a reheated Bible I can buy at the dollar store. I'm more interested in the Halleluyah Scriptures. Has anybody gotten hold of one of these? They make it nearly impossible to receive one, it seems. They say they'll provide a pdf to people who have the means to print and distribute it, but they refuse to make the pdf available to read. They claim they won't sell the Bible, because that is a violation of Scriptural commands, but they don't seem very eager to give it away, either. I'm starting to wonder if it's a scam just pretending to have a Bible and begging for money under the false premise that they're distributing it to poor, 3rd-world people.

  • AnnOMaly


    God's Name Restored in "The Divine Name King James Bible"

    Dear Friends
    The web site is a 4 year labor of one of the Brothers. We learned from this web site that there is new King James Bible for 2011 and it is called...
    The Divine Name King James Bible.
    The web site for this translation is at: According to the publishers of this new Bible the name Jehovah is now back in there 6,972 times. Upon checking out this Bible online it appears that the name Jehovah is only in the Hebrew scriptures. What a major change for this translation considering that for many years the Divine Name was only there in a couple of places, then I think that it was eventually removed, and the word LORD was placed instead of the name Jehovah! If you read the forward and other information from these publishers they express their reasoning on why the name Jehovah should be placed back in this Bible. I noticed that at the bottom of their page they quote Isaiah 42:8 where it says...I am Jehovah: that is my name. Hopefully soon we will learn more about this translation from our Brothers. Chances are that Professor Jason BeDuhn who wrote the book Truth In Translation will be writing about this new translation.

    Posted 4 weeks ago by Nomen Nescio

  • shepherd

    I once read the King James Bible. It was a black book with gold edging. I once saw someone putting gold edging on a book. It was hard. The binding was leather. My grandmother once kept a cow. There are many people who kept cows in those days but not so many translated the Bible. It was a hot day in July.

    I remember it well. I think it's nice to remember. People remember all sorts of things, and then they did the best with the available knowledge. I can't understand why I am writing this. I can't understand a word of what I wrote either, but I, Band on the Run, needed to write something so here it is.....


  • Refriedtruth

    Saw this PR a few days ago before I saw this thread which got me thinking what was going on as there is ALREADY a NEW new King James that is at least 25 years old when I flipped in the book store.

    The reason i am posting here at this thread now is because I started googling to see what the heck was going on here with this NEW KJ.

    Read this PR it sounds a lot like the forward in the NWT I am old and use to use the American Standard Version at the K=Hall before there was any NWT. The old American Standard also had the Jehovah name the 6000 + occurrences

    Got nothing against Jehovah it still is NOT the correct pronunciation and the JW are an apocalyptic millerite spinn off cult.

    WRIGHT WAY: A New King James Bible?

    Cleveland Daily Banner - Jan 4, 2012 While the more popular Authorized King James Version uses the Divine Name “Jehovah” in Exodus 6:3, Psalm 83:18, Isaiah 12:2 and Isaiah 26:4, The New King ...

  • truthlover

    From what info I see, it was written by a "brother" - the info that Jehovahs name is in there 6, 972 times is incorrect - only the OT is showing that the Lord is replaced by the name Jehovah... nothing in the NT, apparently the brother spent 4 years travelling?? and the idea came to him in the coffee shop -- where else??

    Emails have been sent out not to take this new KJV serious..

    apparently in US law, anything after 1935 cant be copied du to the copywrite laws, before 1935 copywrite laws dont exist?? maybe someone could correct me on this and apparently you can copywrite the bible, info, etc IF you change wording , case in point, the KJV - that perhaps is the way the WTBTS was able to print the NWT, by changing words,etc... as well as a lot of other bible translations that are out there today...


  • ziddina
    "The names of the KJ translators are recorded somwhere. Wasnt one of them a cuckold? ..." Hamsterbait

    Well, ol' King James himself was a pedophile... I think his behavior was actually referred to as, "pederast"...

    That royal line of England... Oy yi yi yi yi... What a wonderful bunch to have authorizing a translation of the bible...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hmmm, did the "translator" also throw in a name for Lot's wife? I would have gone with Gladys or Blanche, something "old fashioned" sounding. I hope he included a name for the talking snake in Eden. I'm thinking Guido or Vinny, something Italian sounding. Although, naming the snake Fido or Scruffy would be pretty cool. Frankly, I would have changed most of the names in the old King James, they're so hard to pronounce and just boring. Frankly, I'd give most of the females hot-stripper-names. The guys would get names of no more than 5 letters. And I'd probably name a lot more "Peter" in the Bible. And "Dick". I might get creative and throw in some last names to help distinguish between them. And I might go with more letters in the last name when I could do a name like Johnson or Peters.

    One of the other things I'd change in a new translation would be to give everybody accents when they speak. Moses would have to have a New York Jewish accent and throw in a lot of Yiddish. Things like that would make the Bible way more interesting to read.

  • AnnOMaly


    Google "DNKJB" and one of the sites that comes up is - this seems to be some kind of Parallel Bible/Concordance tool. See the Lead Developer's message at - as truthlover said, "apparently the brother spent 4 years travelling?? and the idea came to him in the coffee shop"!

    At the bottom of the page is a link to which company, when you click on the link, seems also to be responsible for the website.

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