So glad to be home from the hospital!

by 3rdgen 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 3rdgen

    This past Mon. I had to have a hysterectomy and some other repairs. I told the Doc that since I'm going under anyway, if you see something that needs fixing, do it....and he went to town! I must add how freeing it was not to bring up the blood issue. I gave permission for a transfusion if needed. (turned out I didn't) Had a rough couple of days after bc I was allergic to the pain drip.

    Anyway, I'm home now, the operation went well, I'm feeling MUCH better, and soon I'll be better than before. Yet today I'm feeling very LOW and LONELY. I'm no longer a JW and there is 0 contact with former friends and family except MIL (in) and daughter (out). Daughter lives far away, been out for 5 years, doesn't "get me". She was never as true a believer, sacrificed nothing, had a nice childhood, and was only baptized a couple of years before she decided to live a "worldly life". She had virtually no "skin in the game". On the other hand, I had an abusive upbringing, 50+ years "publishing and pioneering", and abandoned all hopes, dreams and ideas of my own. I didn't leave because I wanted to break any "rules", I was truely stumbled. (a separate thread)

    Out only 2 months, there has been no time to replace friends and family. We also have been SEVERELY affected by the ecconomic downturn. Hubby understandably tense and preoccupied trying to start a new business and career even as we speak.

    Sooooo, it's Christmas tomorrow and the neighbors have offered to send a plate of turkey home with hubby if he will walk over and get it. He accepted. Why am I so blue? Does anyone relate? Sorry, I guess I needed to vent.

  • mrsjones5

    Aw, sounds like you need a hug. ((((((3rdgen)))))))

  • mariemcg

    I can empathise with you, i had an op last week- exam under GA, i've been eeling just like you re the lonleyness.. The realisation of believing someting all my life seem to be a big lie... Lost a true freind of 15 years do to my exploring outside the watchtower bubble and toil soc.


  • cofty

    Hi 3rdgen, so sorry to hear you are feeling down. I've heard its common to feel quite low for a while after major surgery. I'm glad the operation went well and as your strength returns I'm sure you will feel brighter. Take exercise as much as you are able.

    It does take time to build a new circle of friends once you leave. Accept offers of help and take every opportunity to meet new people. You sound like somebody who would make a really good friend, you will get there. I hope your husband's business idea works out in the new year.

    Wishing you all the best for 2012 - Cofty

  • sizemik

    3rdgen . . . so glad to hear your hospital stay went well . . . that must have been stressful. Often feeling a bit blue is natural following surgery. A lot has changed for you very quickly . . . the good times will catch up eventually. Hang in there . . .

    . . . . and Merry Christmas to you.

  • tenyearsafter

    Hi 3rdgen...I am glad the surgery went well. Don't be surprised about being down...I was in the hospital this year for over a week, and when I came home I was "not myself" either. It is very typical, and often can be a combination of the drugs you are taking and the trauma to your body. As a surgeon once told me, "surgery is just an assualt with a deadly weapon under a controlled environment"! Once you turn the recovery corner, you will be amazed how much better you will feel, both physically and mentally.

    As to your new life, it too will use a tired old WT cliche, "keep your eyes on the prize".

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    3rdgen!!! It's two months to fix many years!!! It's OK to be down you have a loss to grieve. All emotions to sort out!! Glad you are home I'll call you Tuesday if that is OK I don't get home till Monday late....

    Much love to you FS

    Marry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU (and the ass)

  • 3rdgen

    Mrs. Jones, You are kind

    Mariemcg, I'm sorry you have been hurt

    Cofty, Thanks so much, I should be incouraging you. I hope you are doing well.

    Sizmik, You are a very kind and insightful person.

    Ten years after, Your surgen was right! Thanks for sharing.

    FoundSheep, Love to you too

    To all of you, Your kind words have already made me feel better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And happy hollidays too.

  • mariemcg

    merry xmas to you and family. xx

    Hope you recover quickly

  • factfinder

    Hi 3rdgen! Wishing you well and a Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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