I applied for a scholarship!

by Dudu 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dudu

    Hello friends!! Today i sent by email my resume, the application and the essay to apply for a scholarship to be an international teacher of english :) They will answer during December and after they read the information sent, there is an interview over the phone. Just to apply is something im exciting for ... I think that as a JW i wouldnt had applied for because education is such a wordly thing .... Im very positive and i know the outcome of this adventure will be the best. Again thanks for your support friends ... Ill keep you posted

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    thats very cool Dudu

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    How thrilling. So it is likely that you will receive one? It is for such a commendable purpose, too. Besides the actual experience teaching, you should have so many exciting adventures to entertain people with for the rest of your life. Do it while you can.

  • DesirousOfChange

    GO FOR IT!

    Your future depends on YOU!


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